Winamp Skins:
DragonBall was my first anime series, and is still one of my favorites. Due
to a number of factors, there aren't all that many decent DBZ
skins out there. So, I decided to make some. ^^ Newest skins are on top.
I made these skins. Please do not take them and archive
them elsewhere. Do not cross-link them. Email me first. Thank you.

"We Used to Be Angels" ~ Son Goku
A remade version
of my Goku skin, this time. Though he's not my favorite character,
I do really like Goku. ^^
The image is from either the late Cell saga or the
Buu saga; I'm not sure which. It's a nice picture, though. Goku looks so cute as
an angel. I'm tentatively happy with the color scheme.
Purple's my favorite color, though...So, I'm not sure if it's too much,
or not. ^^;;
The title is the English translation of the second
DBZ ending theme, "Boku-tachi wa Tenshi Datta". The text on the
skin is a line from the aforementioned song.
Hidden Buttons:
Open, Shuffle, Repeat, EQ/PL |

"Hope Reborn" ~ Mirai Trunks
A remade version of my
third DBZ skin, this one features of another of my favorite characters; Mirai Trunks. Along with the
twins, he's the main reason that I love the Cell Saga. ^^
This pic is from the Cell Saga, actually. It's from the episode when Trunks and Vegeta
leave the Room of Spirit and Time. And it's a very nice picture...His hair is long,
he's got that serious look on his face...He's just hot. But then...he
always is. ^^
The name is drawn partially from the (Japanese) episode title that this picture is case anyone actually cares, there's further musings in the readme. ^^;;
Hidden Buttons: Open, Shuffle, Repeat, EQ/PL |

"To Your Skies" ~ Jinzouningen Juuhachi-gou
A remade version of my Juuhachi-gou skin.
I don't want to separate the twins, here's the companion skin to my Juunana-gou skin,
featuring Juuhachi-gou. ^^ This skin is, literally, the twin of "Kimi no Sora
he". I think it turned out fairly well, though I think I prefer the Juunana-gou
one. ^^;;
Hidden Buttons: Open, Shuffle, Repeat, EQ/PL |

"Kimi no Sora he" ~ Jinzouningen
finally remade my first DBZ skin! Featuring, unsurprisingly
enough, Juunana-gou. I'm a total sucker for the Jinzouningen/Cell
saga stuff. ^^ The title
is from a DBZ song.
I've been wanting to make a skin of him for a long time, because I haven't been able to
find any good ones of him out there! So, even if it's simple, I'm pleased. ^_^V
Hidden Buttons: Open, Shuffle, Repeat, EQ/PL |