Winamp Skins:

Yuugiou is such an underrated series.  But I just adore it.  <3  Ever since I first saw it subtitled, I've been hooked.  Unfortunately, I've had trouble finding skins of this far, I only know of one site (Kokoro no Naka) that has any.  And I'd imagine that I'm not the only one who'd like some, so I've made some of my own.  I've divided them up, five to a page, to keep loading times down.


Page 1 - Yugi/Yami, Otogi, Kaiba, Yami no Malik, Malik

Page 2 - Yugi/Yami, Yugi/Yami, Pharaoh!Yami, Kaiba, Bakura/Ryou

Page 3 - Honda/Ryou, Jou/Mai