The Basics
As A Fan
I spent over two years (and three Christmas seasons) cashiering in retail, so it's not surprising that
I've developed a list of annoyances. Here are some things that may annoy/piss
off your cashier. So be good customers and don't do them, okay? =D
Annoyances :: Money ::
Pay Attention to Me!
:: Lazy-Asses :: Creepy ::
Children ::
Stop Wasting My Time! ::
Anal-Retentive :: Misc.
-- First and foremost: I am a cashier.
NOT a psychic. Believe me, if I was psychic, I’d have a better job with a
bigger paycheck. If you want something, or need things done differently,
fine. But, for the love of God, tell me! Contrary to popular belief,
I cannot read your mind.
-- Another thing...I realize that this
probably isn't widely known, but still. Sometimes I just want to leap onto
my counter and yell at our customers. WE ARE BEING TIMED. Our store (and
we're not the only one, I'm sure) keeps track of our speed scores. Hence,
all these idiots who constantly run off to fetch things or take twenty
minutes to fill out their check are screwing up our times. And, though it's
no fault of our own, it looks bad on us. So, please. Complete your
transaction in a timely manner. It's not that hard, I promise.
-- Don't tell
me how to do my job. Especially given that I highly doubt that you
know how. Besides...I'm not exactly an inexperienced n00b, y'know. I've been
cashiering for a while, and I'm pretty good at it, if I may say so. So,
please. Stop acting like I'm an idiot who can't do her job.
-- People who
pay for large purchases with tons of small bills. This only really applies
in extreme cases. Like the lady I had the other day who paid $123...with 123
one dollar bills. >_> This is, admittedly, a minor gripe. If
you're nice about it, I really won't mind too much.
-- Inversely,
people who pay for tiny purchases with huge bills. You do not need to break
that $100 bill to buy a 40 cent pack of gum. No, really. This, too, is
admittedly a minor gripe.
-- People who let their
small children pay. If they are not old enough to know how to handle money,
then you need to do it. I hate waiting ten minutes for a kid to
struggle with their cash. Plus, getting bills that are crumpled or folded
beyond recognition is just aggravating.
-- People who give me
tons of unrolled, uncounted change. Even worse if it's in denominations
smaller than a quarter. Sure, it spends just like bills. But if you want to
use that much, please...have the decency to roll it.
-- Inversely, people who have this strange phobia/hatred of any
and all change. You know the ones. They'll freak out and dig through their
pocket/purse for ten minutes to find exact change, when it would take me
three seconds to break a bill and give them their small amount of change.
-- A subset of the above group are the people who insist on giving
me change, after I've already told the computer how much money you're giving
me. This is a big one for me. I hate people who do this. Especially
the ones who get bitchy about it. I'm not mathematically inclined, so I'm
not good at correcting your change in my head. Plus, our store has been
short-change scammed before. So, yeah. It makes me uncomfortable.
-- People who refuse to hand me anything. If I have my hand held
out to accept your money/check/whatever, it's just rude to put it down on
the counter, right next to my hand. This is a minor annoyance, though.
-- People who put money/checks/credit cards/coupons on my belt,
then be surprised when my belt tries to eat it. >_> It's easy to trigger,
and hence not a good idea to put such things on it. Not so much
annoying, just stupid.
-- Similarly, people
who put their checkbook on the belt and proceed to fill out their
check...while I'm still ringing their order. >_> 'Cause, y'know, it's easy
to write on a moving surface. Not so much annoying, just stupid.
Attention to Me!
-- People who refuse to
look at/speak to me. Really...didn't your mother teach you any
manners? I'm not asking you to be all uber-cheerful with small talk and
everything. Just look at me and say 'Hi' when I greet you. It's not that
hard, I promise. If I can manage to be at least marginally cheerful when
greeting you, even when I'm in a rotten mood, I think you can manage the
same. I know this is a fairly minor thing, but it really pisses me off
-- Cell phone users. Granted, there are the occasional polite
ones, but most of them fall in the above group. They completely ignore me in
favor of their conversation. That's just rude. Especially given that,
inevitably, they're the ones who I have to give instructions to or ask
questions of. =P
-- Airheads with credit/debit cards. Honestly...I know that
our card reader is somewhat unique. That's why it's got instructions on it,
complete with pictures! And if you don't get it, just ask me. I'll tell you
how to work it, I promise. Just don't stand there staring at it, like a
pole-axed cow. Likewise, since there are instructions, read them!
Or, at least, listen to me when I tell you what to do. If I tell you to turn
your card around (complete with little hand signals), then turn it around,
not over. *facepalm* Ditto in reverse. Hell, I now say "turn it face up",
and some people still can't get it right. Am I speaking a foreign
language here, or what?
-- People who walk right past me (and get in another lane, often
one with a line), when I'm standing at the end of my lane, waiting for a
customer. Honestly...I wonder about the intelligence of these people. I'm
standing there (often with at least one other girl), waiting. I'm in uniform
and not doing anything else. What the hell do you think I'm there for? Do I
look like an endcap decoration?
-- Along a similar line, people who go up to a cashier-less lane
(whether the light is on or not) and start piling their stuff on the belt.
If the light is off, then you're just fucking stupid. No one is working that
lane; move on! If the light is on, you're still pretty stupid. The
cashier is off doing something else (zoning, or perhaps just waiting at the
front for a customer); odds are good, s/he doesn't see you! Find the
cashier, or go to another lane. Not difficult, really!
-- People who don't listen to me. Like, I tell them to do
something, and they do the opposite. Or tell them not to do it, and they do
it anyway. Trust me; I know my job a hell of a lot better than you do. If I
tell you that you can't do something, guess what? You can't do it! Please,
for the love of all that's good, listen to the nice cashier lady. She
knows what she's talking about.
-- Similarly, people who don't believe me. I can tell them the
same thing five times, and they won't absorb a word. I call my manager, and
they believe them on the first try. Grr.
-- People who leave
their carts right in the middle of my lane. fucking lazy are
you? Go put it away. I've got a line, so I can't do anything with it.
-- Similarly, people who cannot fathom the concept of a cart
corral. See
this post for reference.
-- Also, people who leave their trash with me. There is a trash
can nearby, I promise. It won't kill you to walk a few feet and throw your
crap away yourself. Please use it...especially if you're wanting to
toss something messy, like food or drink.
-- People who insist on hiding their unwanted items in the endcap/candy
rack/other random place. Bonus points if it's something perishable, like
frozen food. You're supposed to give to me, so it can be put away. I don't
bite, I promise. And there are people who even do this right in front of
me...yeah, real smart there, buddy.
-- People who get huffy when I ask for their drivers license when
they write a check. No, I can't let you tell me the number. Store policy
says that I have to physically see the license, read the number and type it
in. It will not kill you to take your license out for a minute, or if you
can't handle that, hand me your wallet, and let me read it. It takes me less
time to type in the number than it took you to bitch about it. Pathetic.
Plus, in my mind, it makes you look not only lazy, but a tad suspicious. Why
don't you want me to see your license? >_>
-- People who call me
'honey', 'sweetie', et. al. Unless you know me very well, or are an adorable
little old lady (who's obviously being sweet, not condescending), I do not
want to hear you call me this. It's just...weird.
-- People who think it's okay to touch me. Just...NO. Brushing my hand as
you put money into it is one thing. Deliberately touching me is something
else entirely. It creeps me out. Don't do it.
-- If you know me indirectly, don't just start acting all chummy with me.
Tell me you know my folks, or whoever, then you can talk to me. It
kinda throws me off balance when you know my nickname (my name tag has my
full name on it), etc, yet I have no idea who you are.
-- Don't stare at my chest. No, really. I don't even get why you'd want to.
I'm not very well-endowed, and I like my shirts kinda baggy. At first, I
thought you were looking at my necklace, which hangs a bit above that level.
But you didn't have that confused look most people get when they examine it
(it's an alchemic array pendant, which generally baffles non-FMA fans), and
you didn't say anything. Even if you gave up on it, most guys would have
enough sense to comment on it. So I'd know that you were looking at my
necklace and not, y'know, ogling me. Ick.
-- People who let their
brats scream bloody murder and do nothing about it. Honest to God, I
want to slap these jackasses. You’re the parent; shut them up! I
don’t care how…spank them, don’t buy them that toy, take them out of the
store…whatever it takes! And if you’re with your
spouse/mother/whoever…well, then you really have no excuse. One of
you takes the kid outside, while the other completes the transaction with
me. That simple. People like you are the reason that there's a saying that
"working retail is the best birth control ever."
-- Similarly, people who don't keep an eye on their kids. I once had a kid
come behind my counter and start pushing buttons on my register. (The kid
came from the next lane over, meaning my back was toward it, so I didn't
even know it was there until my cash drawer popped open.) Yeah, I wanted to
kick it. And its mother. Don't let your kids make a mess of the sidecaps.
Don't let them muck with my card reader or our registry machines. They are
not toys. They are expensive pieces of machinery and are worth more than
your little snotgoblins.
-- People who let their kids walk all over them. Your brat is screaming for
candy? You take it outside, or give it a swat to make it behave. You do
not let it keep squalling, let it hit you, etc. (And we're not
talking two year olds, here. We're talking 5+ years old.)
Honestly...spineless parents make me sick. Probably 'cause I was raised by
competent ones.
-- People who sit their kids on my belt or counter. I don't want
your filthy kid on a surface that I have to touch on a regular basis.
Especially given that, nine times out of ten, we're talking a kid in a
diaper sitting on my counter. Just...NO.
-- People who let their kids drool all over a piece of merchandise, then
fail to warn me of this fact. Meaning, I find out about it by picking it up
as it comes down my belt. I swear...if I didn't want to keep my job, I'd
make such a scene when someone did this. Just because you are not
phased by touching your spawn's bodily fluids, that doesn't mean that I
am okay with it. People like this are disgusting, really.
-- Similarly, people who let their small children hold items...who then
scream bloody murder when it comes time to scan the item. Argh! If your
child is too young/stupid to understand that the item will be given back to
them (either as soon as I scan it, or at home, by Mom), then don't let
them carry things! I've taken to using my hand scanner to scan these
things, in an attempt to keep the little brats from squalling.
Unfortunately, this doesn't always work. There are the particularly stupid
ones, who start squalling if you even touch the item in question. As
in, I/their mom turns it a bit, if necessary, so I can reach the barcode.
Sometimes we don't even touch it! Not to mention the fact that at least half
the kids that I see do this are way old enough to understand that if
I scan it, it's not gone forever. Grah!
-- People who think that, just because you have kids, you can do whatever
you want. Like changing your baby on our bench, in front of the registers,
for example. See
this entry for details.
-- People who let their kid 'help'. With much of anything, really. They just
slow things down.
-- Kids with no manners. Such as the ones who demand things from me. (i.e,
'Gimme that', about not wanting something bagged, etc.) I tend to ignore
them, because I know that I would have trouble being civil. I just want to
look them straight in the eye and say, "Didn't your mother teach you any
manners? If you want something, ask nicely. Say 'please' and 'thank you'!"
-- Parents who encourage their kids to annoy me. >_> Did you not notice that
I pointedly ignored your child's annoying babbling? Stop telling them to
talk to me, to repeat what they've already said five times, etc.
-- Parents who let their kids touch and/or play with everything. This
includes our registry machines, credit card readers, my belt, my scanner, my
bags, etc. Really...just stop it! Teach your brats to keep their
grubby little hands to themselves.
-- Similarly, parents who let their children destroy my sidecaps. If you
insist on letting your little brat remove every. single. toy. from my
sidecap, you will not just go off and leave it like that. Oh, no. You
will clean up the mess that your child had made. That's what being a
parent is. Novel concept, ne?
-- Also, parents who let their children run off with merchandise. Today
alone I had two brats try to steal candy (and I mean steal, as it
hiding it in their pockets). Luckily, their mothers caught them, but still.
Future felons, anyone? Also, the ones who let their mobile children carry
things, then happen to spot them, as we're finishing, and ask me if I'd
scanned whatever they were holding. >_> Uh, no, 'cause they were nowhere near me. If you'd leash your kids, you wouldn't have to pay two or
more times, as I'd be able to get it all at once.
-- Two words: Personal. Space. Granted, there are some adults who have
problems with this, too, but in my experience, it's almost always been kids
that have given me trouble. When I'm at work, my bubble consists of the area
behind my register. That little alcove is off limits, unless you're
my coworker/manager. Don't stand in the gap between my scanner and my
counter. Besides being too close to me, it also puts you within easy reach
of my cash drawer. Hence, I am understandably uncomfortable having you
there. Plus, it presents a very strong temptation to just "accidentally"
smack you in the head with a bag as I move it from my rack to my counter.
^_^ Also, don't come up on the other side of my register and get in my
bubble. If you are touching the mat on the floor (which is only as wide as
the platform my register sits on), then you are too close! And
parents! If you see your little brat getting all up in my bubble, fucking
make them stop! Or better yet, actually train them not to do that in the
first place!
Stop Wasting
My Time!
-- People who ask for
things after the fact. As in...Transaction's over and I'm about to move on
to the next customer. "And I need a gift receipt, too", "Oh, all this stuff
was on a registry!", etc. For heaven's sake, people. If you need anything,
tell me before we finish!
-- On a similar note, people who don't keep track of their registry
purchases. Due to dealing with the aforementioned people, I tend to ask if
stuff's on the registry whenever I see someone with a printout. When they
say yes, I ask if they've marked it. Nine times out of ten, the answer is
no. Honestly...Right there on the front page of the damn thing, it says to
mark the items so your cashier can scan them. Notice that there are barcodes
next to every single item? That means that I have to scan the barcode of
each item that you bought. I can't just scan one (or none at all, according
to some people O_o) and have the computer magically take the stuff off the
registry. It doesn't work that way...I wish it did. My life would be easier.
-- People who take their sweet time in getting their crap off of my counter.
As in, I finish their transaction and move on to the next customer. Their
bags are loaded up. They just hang around, either writing in a checkbook, or
putting their coat on, or whatever. This is annoying for two reasons. One, I
need my counter space. Two, they're always blocking my card reader. So, if
my next customer wants to pay with plastic, s/he has to wait until this
bonehead gets out of the way.
-- People who are
prissy about the clothes they are buying. As in, so prissy that they won't
let their clothes touch my belt. For some reason, this just really pisses me
off. More than it should, I'd imagine. I do not understand this. It's not
like they're buying priceless silk from the orient. They're buying cheap
cotton clothes from *MyEmployer*! You can wash your clothes when you
get home, you know. Most people do, in fact! Never mind that I've never seen someone's clothes get
dirty from being on my belt in all the time I've been there.
may be juvenile, but these nuts always make me want to just drag their
clothing the length of my belt a couple of times. I swear to God...that
belt's as clean as anything else in the store. Stop being so fucking prissy!
-- Similarly, people who refuse to put
anything on the belt. O_o Honestly, people...I can have your order
rang much faster if you'll just put the stuff on the belt, rather
than standing there and handing me each piece individually. There's
really no reason for this, either. Oh, and your cashier will really
hate you if you do this right at the stroke of closing, and you have three
cart loads of stuff. Grah!
-- Cheap-asses. Meaning, the people who watch my screen like a hawk as I'm
ringing and interrupt me to claim that an item should be a little less than
it's ringing up as. And by a little, I mean no more than a couple of bucks.
As in, you'd never have noticed it if you weren't staring at my screen. And
it always, without fail, happens concerning or in an order with items that
are completely luxury in nature. So it's not like they're poor and haggling
the price of their bread.
-- An example of the above are the 1-Spot Cheap-asses. Everything in the
1-Spot is $1. As you might expect, the 1-Spot consists of little trinkets
and gadgets; nothing horribly nice or fancy. Occasionally, things get marked
down to 50 cents. Every single time this happens, I get a ton of
people whining/bitching about it. Either the computer rang it up at $1, and
they're hollering, "But that's only 50 cents!!!11!" Or, before I even ring
it, they're griping, "Make sure that comes up at 50 cents!!!111" For the
love of God, people. It's just 50 fucking cents. If you're so poor that 50
cents will break you, then what the hell are you doing buying 1-Spot stuff?
And if you're just that cheap...then please, get out of my species. Now.
-- Another type is the paranoid cheap-ass. They watch my screen like a hawk,
and flip out if I have to do anything other than just *scanscanscan*.
Because, apparently, we're all out to cheat them. Or make them pay 10 whole
cents more than the sticker price! OMG, the tragedy! *Eyeroll* Like this
lady I had today. The computer prompted me to enter a price for one of her
items. I didn't notice it until after I'd already put it in the bag, etc.
So, I fish it out, read the sticker, and type it in. I then resume scanning.
All is well. Or not. Lady spazzes; apparently she's very nervous that I had
to retrieve the item from the bag. *Eyeroll* No, I didn't charge you
twice. (What do you think I am, stupid?) No, it's not more expensive.
God, by the end of transaction, I wanted to slap this cheap old bitch upside
the head. >.<
-- Similarly, people who try to claim an item is 'damaged' (and thus get a
discount) when there's nothing wrong with it. Honestly, people...a tiny spec
or one hair out of place does not constitute damage. Stop being so damn
cheap and pay full price, or just don't buy it at all.
-- Cheap-asses who want something for nothing. No, I cannot give you a gift
bag/box for your present. I don't have any. But we do sell them; they're
right over there. Oh, you don't want to pay for one? Big surprise. =P
Likewise, I can't give you the hangers from the clothes you're buying,
because we reuse them. If you really need hangers so badly, guess what? We
sell them! Go buy a pack and quit whining.
-- People who bitch about how I bag things, without giving me any
instructions beforehand. This includes how I fold clothes and which items go
in the same bag together, among other things. If you want your stuff bagged
a certain way, tell me so! I can't do what you want if you don't ask.
-- Along a similar line, when it comes to packaging, WYSIWYG. All we have is
plastic bags and tissue paper. No gift boxes or packing supplies, etc. So,
yes, I have to fold your suit jacket up and put it in a bag. (Unless you
want to carry it, obviously.) And yes, that's why I'm wrapping your large
bowl in three layers of plastic; that's the best I can do.
-- People who not only bitch about some of the above things, but actually go
to my management about it, trying to get me in trouble. I've had this happen
a couple of times, but never gotten in trouble. My managers are awesome, and
they know that I'm a good cashier; I'm always polite to my customers, even
when they're being jerks.
Misc. Annoyances
-- People who yank bags
off of my racks. Maybe this is a personal space issue, I'm not sure. But it
bugs me when people do that. If I'm done with the bag, I'll pull it off
myself. Likewise, if you want a bag, ask me for one. I'll get it. Actually,
I think that is the issue. Keep your hands away from my equipment
-- People
who bitch about store policy. I hate to break it to you, but I'm just a
cashier. This means I am low on the food chain; the higher-ups aren't going
to take orders from a register monkey. I don't care if you don't like it;
policy is policy. I don't make it, I only follow it. And since I want to
keep my job, I do follow it.
Not really sucky, just a little silly, are the ones who actually take their
bitching about policy to my managers. I wonder if they realize that we’re
corporate…hence, we have no say over policy. If corporate tells us not to
check ID for credit cards, then we won’t. If they tell us not to take
starter checks, then we won’t. You get the picture. Telling my manager
really isn’t that much better than telling me, really. If you’re really
that upset about it, contact corporate. I’m sure they have some kind of
suggestion/complaint paper that you can fill out, or a phone line you can
call, or something. They’re the ones who can change things…so take your
problem to them.
-- A commonly bitched about policy is that, if our system asks for it, I
have to see a state ID to take your check. Not have you rattle the number
off to me. Actually physically see the license/ID card/etc. If you
can't provide it, I can't take your check. Simple as that. I never cease to
be amazed at the people who bitch about this. What kind of idiot are you,
anyway, driving/traveling without your ID? I almost never go anywhere
without mine.
-- Likewise with the folks who bring in starter checks. We don't take them.
Period. Questioning me about this will not change the fact. This also goes
for price matching, layaway, etc. We do none of these things. I cannot
change this.
-- Another thing is the people whose credit/debit cards get declined.
Totally not my fault. Yet I get bitched at just the same. No, trying it
again won't make any difference. You could run it 100 times and get the same
results, I promise. (And some people seem to want to try this!) Also, please
try to understand something. There is not a damn thing I can do about it. So
please stop trying to convince me that the card should be good. "I just put
money in there!/I just used it earlier!/etc." doesn't do you a damn bit of
good. I can't override it, or magically make it be accepted. All I can do is
tell you to call your bank/card provider (but not while still in my line!)
and ask them what's up. Also, I understand that you're annoyed. I would be
too! But geez...that doesn't mean you can take it out on me. If you're nice
to me, I'll be really sympathetic to your problem. If you're an ass? You get
nothing from me.
-- People who give me attitude. If you're annoyed, fine. Don't take it out
on me. I may be feeling rather pissy myself, but I'm still being nice to
you. Also, if I make a mistake, or do something that you don't like, be
polite when correcting me. If you're nice, I'll happily apologize and fix
it. If you're snarky or insulting, my smile will be quite fake as I'll be
wishing I could just flip you the bird and be done with it.
-- People who bitch about my coworkers to me. Especially when I just saw the
encounter and I know for a fact that my coworker did nothing wrong.
Honestly, though...even if I hadn't...who do you think I'd be more inclined
to side with? Someone I've worked with for a while, and know to be a very
nice person, or a random (and rather bitchy) stranger?
-- Likewise, people who bitch and moan, saying that surely there is
absolutely no one out on the floor. Erm. First, you're fucking
stupid. Because, makes so much sense for us to have NO
employees on the floor. Right...idiot. And let me didn't
bother to try and call someone using one of the many call buttons or
phones located all throughout the store. No? Shocking. =P Also, how, exactly, do you
think that I have any control over the number of employees on the
sales floor? Kat != manager. You are bitching to the wrong person, moron.
However, if you come up to me and ask nicely if I could please find someone
to help you in *department*, I would be happy to find my manager/someone
with a walkie and ask them to call some help for you. See, kiddies? The old
cliché is true; you'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. =D
-- People who don't use the dividers that we put out. much
brain power does it take to realize that it just might be a good idea
to put something down to separate your order from the one of the person in
front of you? Especially given that, inevitably, neither you nor the person
in front of you will be paying enough attention to notice it until I've
already rang half your order.
-- People who can't get their act together before they come to my lane. As
in, idiots who run off when I'm half-way through their order to fetch
something else. Or the idiots who have like, five different orders, but
can't be bothered to sort them out before I start ringing. And then have the
audacity to bitch at me when I run the orders together, after not being told
where to stop.
-- People who don't know the meaning of 'TMI'. Really...I don't want to know
that you're knocked up with your 7th kid...And to be told
belligerently, at that, while you're bitching at me over something
entirely different. Thanks for making me sick, you dumb breeder bitch.
-- The 'I'm always right' people. Whether it's a dispute over the price of a
product, or the product itself, once I complete your transaction, it's not
my problem. I can tell you either that I know that the price is right, or
that I don't know, but you can ask Guest Service. Either way, if you feel
the need to go back and check for yourself, that's fine. But don't waste my
time my interrupting me to tell me what you found. I. Don't. Care. Nine
times out of ten, it's some idiot who is in denial that they're wrong. But,
whether they are wrong or right, it's not my problem. Guest Service is who
has to fix it for them, not me. So why do they think I care?
-- People who lie to me, in an attempt to get what they want. I sympathized
with you before, but now I just think you're stupid. You picked a bad thing
to lie about, too. Claiming that you ''were here just the other day, and
they accepted this [useless ID] by just looking at it!' will make me
want to laugh in your face. The way our computers are set up, if asked for
ID, we have to input the necessary info in order to go forward with
the check. It cannot be overridden.
Not. Be. Done. So, yeah. Lying will not get you what you want. And it makes
your cashier want to laugh at you.
-- People who play with my belt. As in, they keep touching the sensor, so
the belt jerks on, then off, then on, etc. It's largely children who do
this, but I've seen plenty of grown men doing it, too. Grown men!
Honestly...parents, please teach your children to behave better than that.
-- People who stand in the middle of my lane, chatting with their friends.
If you are finished with your transaction or aren't buying anything, then
move it already! If you want to stand around and talk with that long-lost
friend you ran into, great. Go to the snack bar,
or somewhere else, where you're not right in the way.
-- People bitch at me about something that isn't my fault. If you are mad
enough to complain, then a simple, "*This* happened, and I'd like to speak
to a manager about it, please." will suffice. I will happily flag down a
manager for you, if you ask nicely. If you bitch and moan, then I will point
you in their direction, and be glad to get rid of you.
-- People who think the store/myself/my coworkers are out to get them. That
we deliberately cheat customers out of money, just for the fun of it. Or to
make money. 'Cause, y''s not like we make any money selling all
this stuff! Nope, none at all. *Eyeroll* If a mistake was made with pricing,
or something else, politely point it out to myself/my coworker, or ask to
speak to a manager. Pitching a fit, acting like we're "doing it on purpose!"
just makes you look like an idiot.
-- If you need help with something, don't
interrupt me as I'm serving another customer. Either find someone who's
free, or wait until I'm done. Honestly, I had several people do this to me
today, and it's just silly. They wanted directions; if I hadn't known
exactly where that department was, I wouldn't even have bothered with them; I'd
have told them to go bug Guest Service. But, since I knew, I told them.
And this one bimbo then told me to call someone to help her...Okay, see my
hands? And how they're quite busy, ringing and bagging this other
customer's order? Do you really think that I can do that? And
besides, she's at the checklanes, which are at the very front of the store, and the department in
question is at the very back of the store! >_> Hence, for
all she knows, there could be someone already back there, waiting to serve
someone. Lazy much? I
just kind of boggled at her, and told her that there was a call button back
there. Hell, I'm a cashier! I had no way to call anyone! And,
anyway, hello! I'm kinda busy with this line of customers here!