Greetings, all!  I'm Kat, and this is Daybreak Impression, my personal site.  Here I'll post some information about myself, as well as any random personal things that don't fit in on any of my other sites.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.


Old Updates

Two new FL pages, plus minor edits to Games and Anime/Manga collection.
Something New
The usual odds 'n ends updates, plus two new sections: My Bookshelf and My Games.
The usual.  Random updates, mostly in fanlistings and Anime/Manga collection.
And Again
More of the same; random updates, mostly in fanlistings and Anime/Manga collection.
Odds 'n Ends
Just some random updates here and there; fanlistings and Anime/Manga collection is about all, I think.
Back Online
It's about time, ne?  Hosting problems had all my sites offline for a while, but I'm back.
New FL Page
I added a page for the Death Note fanlistings that I've joined.
Today I upload Daybreak Impression to my new webhosting.  Here's hoping that all goes well!
Moving Day!
In preparation for getting my own domain, I'm moving things around a bit.  The biggest change is that I'm giving my Winamp skins their own site.  From now on, all my skins will be posted to Simple and Clean.  I've also went through the pages remaining on this site and cleaned them up a bit.
Again with some new skins.  This time I've added a skin of Utena in the SKU section and two of Tsukasa in the Juvenile Orion section.
Moving On...
Now that I've finished remaking my old skins, I can move on to making some new ones!  So, I've added a skin of Ed and a skin of Izumi, both in the new Fullmetal Alchemist section. 
And, Done!
This time I've done my Filia skin in the Slayers section and my Honda/Ryou skin, my Jou/Mai skin, my Pharaoh skin, and my Bakura/Ryou skin, all in the Yuugiou section.  And that's the last of them!  I am done with my project of remaking my old skins!  Huzzah!
A Few More
More remakes.  This time I've done my Kougaiji skin and both of my Gojyo skins, all in the Saiyuki section.
And Again
More remakes.  This time I've done my Miki skin in the SKU section, my first Kaiba skin in the Yuugiou section, and my first Valgarv skin in the Slayers section.
Like Usual
More remakes.  This time I've done my first and second Yami & Yugi skins, as well as my Malik skin, all in the Yuugiou section.
A Couple More Remakes
This time I've done my Gene skin in the Misc. section and my Tomoe skin in the RK section.
A Few More
Again, I bring you remakes.  This time, I've done my Ranma/Akane skin in the Ranma section, my Gawl skin in the Misc. section, my Utena & Anthy skin in the SKU section, and my most recent Yami/Yugi skin in the Yuugiou section.
And Again!
More remakes.  This time I've done my second Juri skin and my Anthy skin, both in the SKU section, my Nabiki skin in the Ranma section, as well as my Kaworu skin and my Asuka skin, both in the NGE section.
More Remakes
In continuing with my project of redoing my older skins, I bring you a remade version of my first Juri skin in the SKU section, and a slightly tweaked version of my Tsukasa & Tomonori skin in the Juvenile Orion section.
Big Update
Lots more remakes, this time.  This time I've done my Kenshin & Tomoe skin in the RK section, my Rei skin in the NGE section, my Kamui skin in the Misc. section, my 17-gou skin and my 18-gou skin, both in the DBZ section, as well as my Luna skin, my Hotaru skin, and both of my Haruka & Michiru skins, all in the Sailor Moon section.
And Again!
More remakes.  This time I've done my Sanzo skin in the Saiyuki section, my Goku skin in the DBZ section, and my most recent Kaiba skin in the Yuugiou section.
More Remakes
Again, I bring remade versions of older skins.  This time I've done my Saionji skin and my Touga skin, both in the SKU section.
I Live!
Yeah, I'm still here.  I'm currently working on a bit of housekeeping.  Mostly redoing skins, because most of my older ones really suck.  So, I'm going to go through and remake as many as possible, and make a new section for the ones that I can't fix.  To start with, I redid my most recent Lina/Gourry skin and my Lina & Filia skin, both in the Slayers section, as well as my Trunks skin in the DBZ section and my Otogi skin in the Yuugiou section.
New Layout
Pretty new layout, found at Daydream Graphics.  It features Gojyo of Saiyuki, manga style.  Isn't it spiffy? ^_^


Gensomaden Saiyuki © Minekura Kazuya, et al. Site is owned by Kat. Layout designed by Miko Reznor.