Contact Me
Sister Sites


Got a question for me?  If so, read through the list below.  See if that takes care of it.  If not, then feel free to contact me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just who are you, anyway?
I'm Kat.  A geeky lady who loves the internet a little too much.  ^^  You can check out my personal site, Daybreak Impression, for more information about me.

Like most of my sites, is named after a song.  I believe it's from the Virtua Fighter anime; I'm not sure, because I've never seen it.  But I like the song.  And I thought it sounded neat.  ^^;;

Where do you get your hosting? is hosted by

How long has this site been around, anyway?
I registered on 7/1/06, and it was first published to the web on 7/2/06.  It was then forced offline for a few months, due to a hosting problem.  The site was resurrected as, on 12/26/06.

How do the sites look best?, and all my other sites, are designed and tested in 1152x864 resolution, in Firefox.  They look best when viewed like this, though they should be okay in other resolutions and browsers.

Will you host me?
Sorry, but no.  I bought this domain for my own personal use, so it contains only sites made by me.

Where did you get your layout?
My layout was designed by Ivy Dreams and downloaded from Day Dream Graphics.  I really like it; it's so pretty!

Can you teach me HTML/how to make a layout/etc?
Sorry, but no.  I have neither the time nor the patience to teach you anything, I'm afraid.  And I'm a lousy teacher, besides.  There are plenty of helpful sites out there, though.  Google is your friend!

Layout Designed by Ivy Dreams