Title: Daybreak Impression
Focus: Personal Site
Status: Mostly static
Description: A little site where I've posted some info about myself, as well as a few
miscellaneous personal things.

Title: Glaring Dream
Focus: Fanfic Recommendations
Status: Active
Description: A place where I can squee about my favorite fanfics. There aren't
nearly enough fic rec sites out there. Heaven knows that I've wished
for them often enough, when I'm looking for fic. So, I wanted to make one,
so others could have an easier time hunting for new fic to read.

Title: Simple and Clean
Focus: Winamp Skins
Status: Active
Description: A site to house my skins. All are made in the Classic Winamp style.
My skinning style's fairly simple, but I think my skins are fairly good. Go check
them out!

Title: SimpliciTEA
Focus: Tea
Status: Mostly static
Description: A tea site for the non-tea-snobs among us. This
site offers basic information about tea, brewing tips, and reviews of common

Title: Visionary Graphics
Focus: LiveJournal Graphics
Status: Active
Description: My graphics LJ. This is where I post any
LJ-themed graphics that I make, such as icons, mood themes, and header images.
I'm still new at this, but I think my graphics are pretty good, considering. Check it

Title: Wild-Vision.org
Focus: Site Collective
Status: Mostly static
Description: You are here. ^^ Just a little collective to keep track of my
various sites.