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About the Site

I created Glaring Dream back in 2005, and it's one of my longest running sites.

The inspiration for this site came from my love of reading fan fiction. I'd been looking for some good Gravitation fic, and I found a couple of good rec sites. This was the first I'd ever heard of such a thing...but it made so much sense.

So, I decided to start one of my own. I enjoy working on websites as a hobby, and there really aren't enough rec sites out there, especially for some of the smaller fandoms.

The title, Glaring Dream, comes from the ending theme of the anime Gravitation. I have a tendency to use song titles as names for my sites...and I was on a Gravitation kick, after all.

This is the second major incarnation of the site. It existed on a few different free webhosts for a while, until I finally bought my own domain name in 2006. Glaring Dream has had a home at Wild-Vision.org ever since.

This layout is titled "Anti-Nostalgic", after another Gravitation song. It's unique in that it's the first real layout I ever made, all by myself. I made the header graphic, and I did all the base coding from scratch. Also, it's about time I got a Gravitation-themed layout up. After all, if not for my love of Gravi, this site wouldn't exist!

This layout was designed using Firefox, in 1152x864 resolution.  It's been tested in IE, and hopefully will look okay in other browsers, as well.