.:Anime/Manga:. -
Glaring Dream started out as an anime/manga rec site, and the
bulk of the content is still in this section. ~
Bleach * Death Note * DragonBall (Z/GT) * Escaflowne * FAKE * Fullmetal
Alchemist * Gravitation * Gundam Wing * Inu-Yasha * Magic
Knight Rayearth * Naruto * Ranma 1/2
Rurouni Kenshin * Sailor Moon * Saiyuki * Slayers * Weiss Kreuz * Yami no
Matsuei * Yoroiden Samurai Troopers * Yu Yu Hakusho * Yuugiou ~ |
.:Books:. - I'm an avid reader,
but for some reason I'm not involved in many book fandoms.
That may change some day, but for now, this section's a bit small. ~ Harry Potter *
Maximum Ride * Temeraire ~ |
.:Cartoons:. - I blame
Nickelodeon for this. I would probably never have needed a
Cartoons section if not for Avatar. And, yet, here it is.
~ Avatar: The Last Airbender * Beetlejuice *
Darkwing Duck ~ |
- I am officially impressed...I never imagined that I'd be
reading fic for a comic book series. I've never really gotten
into any comics; I usually do well with their movie adaptations, but not so
much with the comics themselves. Then, along comes
Watchmen...and now I need a comics section.
~ Watchmen ~
- I mostly only play long, plotty RPGs, so those will be the main
focus of this section. I tend to gravitate to SquareEnix
games, though I do branch out occasionally.
~ Final Fantasy VII * Final Fantasy X * Kingdom Hearts * Legend
of Zelda * Okami ~ |
.:Live Action (TV & Movie):. -
Wow...um. I never expected this. For some reason, I've
always have trouble getting into live action fandoms. And
then The Sentinel came along and blew that totally out of the
water...so, here we are. ~ Buffy the Vampire Slayer * The
Sentinel ~ |
.:Crossovers:. -
I love crossovers, provided they're well done. I'll generally
cross most any fandom that I'm familiar with, even some that I don't
normally read fic for. |
.:Miscellaneous:. -
Every so often, I'll come across a good fic for a
fandom that I'm not involved in. Those will go here, unless I
gather enough of the same type to start a new section. |
.:Missing Links:. - Incomplete
recs. These are for fics that I want to rec, but that I've
lost the link to them. I put them up here, because (1) they're
already written, and (2) I hope that maybe someone will recognize
them, and be nice enough to send me the link. Pretty please?
=D |