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.:Bleach:. -
What can I say...I'm a sucker for nice, long, shounen fighting
titles, and Bleach fits the bill nicely. At this point, I'm
manga-only, though I do intend to see the anime eventually. I like several pairings in Bleach; mostly
Ishida/Orihime, Ikkaku/Yumichika, Urahara/Yoruichi, Ichigo/Rukia,
Ichigo/Orihime, and of course, gen. |
.:Death Note:. -
This is the kind of series that I'd like to see more of. But then,
I'm a sucker for crime drama, so it's no surprise that I like Death Note.
Without a doubt, my favorite part is the ongoing battle between Raito and L.
I mostly prefer gen for this series, 'cause DN tends to breed screwed up
relationships; and not many people know how to write them, it seems. =P |
.:DragonBall (Z/GT):. -
DBZ was possibly my very first fandom. Either
it or Sailor Moon; I honestly can't remember which came first.
Maybe both at the same time, even. Either way, I still love
it, even after all these years. Hell, I'm actually trying to
get back into the fandom, so hopefully this section will fill out
quickly. I mostly go for the canon pairs in this one;
Vegeta/Bulma, Goku/ChiChi, Gohan/Videl, and Kuririn/Juuhachi-gou. |
.:Escaflowne:. - Escaflowne was one of those series that I always meant to see, but never quite
got around to it. Well, I finally did. And all I
can say is 'Damn! It's about time!' I loved this
series so much, and I'm really eager for some fic. I'm all about the
Van/Hitomi cuteness, but I'd adore some good gen fic, too. |
.:FAKE:. -
Where is the good FAKE fic? Seriously, where? I love this
manga, but it's ridiculously hard to find fic for; let alone good fic. I'm
all about the Dee/Ryo, obviously. Plus, Drake/JJ makes me squee.
And, of course, there's the ever elusive Diana/Berkeley and
The gen is all good; bonus points if it's related to their jobs. <3 |
.:Fullmetal Alchemist:.
- FMA was my major fandom when I first started this site, and it's still one of
the largest sections. But then, I still adore it. The story, the
cast, everything! Plus, the added fun of having two distinctly separate
stories; the anime version, and the manga version. Both are awesome.
<3 I'm slightly unconventional when it comes to pairings in FMA. I
love the canon pairs (meaning, the married couples). Roy/Ed is my most
fandom-conventional pairing, and it's by far my favorite. I also love
Havoc/Hawkeye and Al/Winry. Plus, gen is always good. =D |
.:Gravitation:. -
Another of my larger sections, Gravitation is one of those series
that grabs on and doesn't let go. I've been hooked since
volume one of the manga came out in the US, and I doubt that's going
to change anytime soon. ^^ I prefer the manga, but I
love the anime, too. It's all about the Yuki/Shu for me; it's
my favorite pairing, hands down. But, I also love
Tatsuha/Ryuichi and Hiro/Ayaka. And the gen for this series is
just wonderful; so zany and fun! |
.:Gundam Wing:. -
Wow...talk about nostalgia. GW was one of my earlier
fandoms...hell, it was the fandom that got me into yaoi. XD
Unfortunately, this section isn't that big yet. Since I've
been out of the fandom for years, it'll take me a while to find
enough fics to flesh it out. Oh, well. I love the series
too much to abandon it, so no worries! I'm very boring when it
comes to GW pairings. Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre, Zechs/Noin, and
gen...pretty much par for the course. ^^ |
.:Inu-Yasha:. - Ah,
Inu-Yasha. Such a fun little series; much better than Ranma,
in my opinion. I really need to see more of it; maybe then
I'll get more involved with the fandom. I'm a total
Inu-Yasha/Kagome fan, though. I also like Sango/Miroku and a
bit of Inu-Yasha/Kikyo. |
Knight Rayearth:. - MKR is another of those older series that it
took me way too long to finally see. This is actually my very
first CLAMP title; I'm guessing more will follow. ^_^ I
somewhat prefer the manga, though I liked the anime, too.
Fuu/Ferio is probably my favorite pairing for this one, though I
like quite a few others, as well. |
.:Naruto:. - I was dragged into this one by my best friend, who's a huge fan.
I actually didn't like it much at first; though, all I read that
first time was the first 4ish volumes, and the series does
start kind of slow. But, I gave it another try, and fell in love.
So, yes...I'm mostly only familiar with the manga at this point, but I'm getting the anime as the
hybrid disks come out. I like a lot of pairings in this one, plus
gen of course. ^_^ |
.:Ranma 1/2:. - I've
never really been that involved with the Ranma fandom, so this
section will likely remain small. But, every once in a while,
I get a craving for some Takahashi goodness. Mostly
Ranma/Akane, Mousse/Shampoo, and Ryoga/Ukyo. |
.:Rurouni Kenshin:. -
RuroKen was, and still is, one of my favorite titles. This was
before I really kept track of the fics I liked, so I don't have a
lot to put here yet. But I really love RK, so I'm sure this
section will grow nicely in time. I'm fairly traditional
pairings-wise. I like Kenshin/Kaoru, Sanosuke/Megumi,
Aoshi/Misao, and Kenshin/Tomoe. And gen is always lovely.
<3 The cast is so great...how could it not be? |
.:Sailor Moon:. - Sailor
Moon was possibly my very first fandom. Either it or DBZ; I
honestly can't remember which came first. Maybe both at the
same time, even. Either way, I still love it, even after all
these years. I'm long since out of this fandom, so it's taking
a little while to get this section fleshed out. But it'll get
there. ^^ I'm a total sucker for Usagi/Mamoru and
Haruka/Michiru. Plus, I also like smaller pairings like
Luna/Artemis and Naru/Umino. And even a little Usagi/Seiya,
after finally seeing SailorStars. |
.:Saiyuki:. - I love Saiyuki. I prefer the manga, truthfully, but I enjoy
the anime, too. Sanzo and Hakkai are probably my favorites, along
with Kougaiji. I'm a sucker for fic dealing with Kou and his crew.
Plus, good ikkou interaction fic is always welcome. As for the
pairings, I like Sanzo/Goku, Gojyo/Hakkai, and Kougaiji/Yaone. |
.:Slayers:. - Slayers is
one of my longest running anime obsessions. I love the
characters, the story, the world, everything! It's got humor,
drama, romance...seriously, if you haven't seen it, do so! I
love long, plotty season-type fic, but those are pretty rare. I'm a sucker for
Lina/Gourry, so expect a lot of that. Zelgadis/Amelia is nice, and I
like Xelloss/Filia, when it's done well. |
.:Weiss Kreuz:. - Ah,
WK...such an amusing little series. There's action, angst, and
pretty boys. Gotta love that. =D Despite my love
of the series, I haven't had much luck finding fic for it.
Plus, I haven't seen Gluhen, so that's another stumbling block.
So far, I've got some Aya/Youji and Ken/Omi fic, plus gen. |
.:Yami no Matsuei:. -
The manga hooked me almost immediately; it's just awesome.
Hisoka and Watari are my favorite characters, so expect to see a lot
of them. Tsuzuki/Hisoka and Tatsumi/Watari are my favorite
pairings, though I also enjoy Terazuma/Wakaba. And I love gen. This series has
such a great cast. Casefic is good, though a bit rare. |
.:Yoroiden Samurai
Troopers:. - Oh, wow. Talk about an old fandom...this
was one of the first few anime titles I ever saw, I think,
Back in the days of Toonami, on Cartoon Network. Of course,
then it was 'Ronin Warriors'. But now that I'm watching on
DVD, I tend to lean toward the Japanese version. I'm fairly
flexible with pairings here. I like Shin/Shuu, Ryo/Touma,
Touma/Shin, Shin/Ryo, and Seiji/Touma. Plus, I'm open to most other
combinations. So, this section will (hopefully!) be a nice mix
of things. |
.:Yu Yu Hakusho:. -
Did I mention how much I love shounen fighting titles? ^^;;
YYH has that lovely mix of action, humor, and a bit of romance.
Kurama's one of my favorite characters, and I'm also a Kuwabara fan.
Shocking, no? We do exist! =D Hiei/Kurama's
probably my favorite pairing, though I also love Yuusuke/Keiko and
Kuwabara/Yukina. |
.:Yuugiou:. - Ah,
Yuugiou...it was in this fandom that I first started saving my
favorite fics. This is another of those series that eats your
brain, and refuses to give it back. =D I adore the
characters, the ancient Egyptian elements, everything! And
hey...it's a bit of a feat for a series to make a card game this
exciting, even to people who don't play. XD I'm a bit of
a pairing whore for this one; I ship lots of different YGO pairings. Too many to conveniently
list here, anyway. |