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Naruto Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. - Naruto has
such great characters, and a lot of possibilities for good gen.
I haven't found a whole lot yet (due to my pairing-fic obsession),
but I'm working on it! |
.:Lee/Sakura:. - Okay,
this is one I would love to see in canon. I love
Lee, and I think he'd be so good for Sakura. Hopefully this
section will grow to a respectable size; I'm not sure how prevalent this
pairing is in the fandom. But I'm always on the look out for more!
=D |
.:Naruto/Sakura:. - I
think this is my second favorite Sakura pairing, after Lee/Sakura.
It's just kind of cute, y'know? ^_^ |
- This is another pairing I'd love to see in canon...yup,
Lee/Sakura, Naruto/Hinata, and...Sasuke. That's how I'd pair
up Team 7. XD But seriously, I adore Hinata, and I think
she and Naruto are so cute together. <3 |
.:Sasuke/Naruto:. - Yes,
I've been sucked into the SasuNaru. Big surprise. ^^;;
As is usually the case with rival-pairings, I'm picky about how it's
done. We'll see how the fandom does in delivering the good
stuff. ^^ |
.:Shikamaru/Temari:. -
I've had this pairing in the back of my head for ages; I don't even
remember where I first got the idea. Maybe from fanart, maybe
from Jason, I'm not sure. But I love these two.
Individually, and together. There needs to be more fic of them. <3 |