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Yami no Matsuei Recs

Fics sorted by pairing.  Newest recs added to the end of each list.



.:Gen:. - This cast has way too much potential for me not to love the gen.  <3  I'm especially partial to Watari fics; what with his experiments and all, there's always fodder for humor fic!


.:Tatsumi/Watari:. - This one's tied with Tsuzuki/Hisoka for my favorite YnM pairing.  Again, I'm a huge Watari fan, so big surprise, huh?  I especially like the dynamic between these two; it's quite interesting.  <3


.:Tsuzuki/Hisoka:. - And here's the other half of my set of favorite YnM pairings.  What can I say...there's so much subtext for this one that you'd almost have to deliberately ignore it to not notice.  Plus, Hisoka's one of my favorite characters, so I love seeing how authors deal with his issues, and how that would relate to Tsuzuki.  <3
.:Terazuma/Wakaba:. - Yes, a het pairing for YnM.  Shocking, no?  XD  Despite the obvious problem that would interfere with this pairing, I really love the dynamic between them.  You just want them to find some way to make it work, y'know?  ^^