.:Gen:. - I'm a sucker
for friendshippy fics, no matter what the fandom. One of the
overarching themes of Yuugiou is friendship. Hence, Kat loves
the YGO gen. <3 Besides, with this cast? Yeah,
so much to do with them! Again, I love YGO gen. =D |
.:Yami/Yugi:. - My very
first YGO pairing. =D Still probably my favorite.
What can I say...These two are perfect for each other. Soul
mates in the truest sense of the word. There's fluff, there's
angst if you want it, there's humor...this pairing's pretty
versatile. ^^ |

.:Jounouchi/Mai:. - I love Jou/Mai. I only wish the fandom agreed. =P
But then, any het is a bit hard to come by in the YGO fandom.
XD Mai's a favorite character of mine, and Jou's so cute with
her...Plus, it's canon-hinted, and they're so great together~! |
.:Honda/Ryou:. - I got
into this one quite by accident. I was reading fic over at
Kokoro no Naka,
and came across a Honda/Ryou piece by the webmasters. I remember
thinking, "Honda/Bakura? What the hell? O_o" But I read it
anyway; I was bored. XD And I'm glad that I did; this has
become one of my favorite YGO pairings. Now, if only there were
more of it... |
.:Kaiba/Jounouchi:. - I
think KaiJou stretches the limits of my fondness for rivalslash.
I normally prefer my pairs to get along better, but for some reason, I
really like these two together. Unfortunately, it suffers from the
same problem as all the other really popular ships; lots of rampant OOC.
=P |
.:Malik/Ryou:. - I was a
bit late getting into Malik/Ryou; not sure why, since I'm a big fan
of both of them. But it's a really interesting dynamic; even
more so when you consider their other halves, and how they can
affect things (whether it's post-series or during series fic). |
.:Honda/Otogi:. -
Honda/Otogi was one of my earlier pairings. This was when I
first started really liking Honda. I think I always liked
Otogi. XD I love their interactions, and their banter.
Plus, I just can't see either of them with Shizuka. This makes
more sense, to me. |
.:Bakura/Ryou:. - Like
most YGO fans, some of the first pairings I came across were the
yami/omote pairs. I actually rather like Bakura/Ryou, but it's
so hard to find good fic for it. I hate those fics that
feature a Yami Bakura who beats/rapes Ryou. 'Cause
really...doing physical damage (for no real purpose, even) to the body that you also
inhabit makes so much sense. =P |
.:Yugi/Anzu:. - I don't
know that this section will ever be all that big, because I just
don't like Yugi/Anzu as much as say, Yugi/Yami. But I do
like it. I'm an Anzu fan, and it's canon-hinted, and cute,
so...I'm drawn in sometimes, y'know. ^^ |
.:Other Pairings:. -
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a total pairing whore for this
series. In addition to the ones that I ship actively, there
are those "once in a while" pairings that I love, too. XD
This section's for those pairings that I don't read enough to get
their own section. |