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Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
- These two are the main reason I love this series. <3
Their relationship, the banter, each of them individually as well as
together...I just love it! |
- I got into this pairing quite by accident. I stumbled across
a Drake/JJ fic, and probably only read it due to the difficulty I've
always had finding any FAKE fic. And what do you know...I was hooked.
XD |
.:Bikky/Carol:. - I
really like these two; both in the current timeline, and in the few
glimpses into the future we see. They make such a good pair. |
.:Berkeley/Diana:. -
Man, where is the Berkeley/Diana fic? Seriously...these two
are perfect together, but almost no one writes it. |