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Rurouni Kenshin Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. - I really love
the backstory for these characters. There's so much to work
with; what was, what is, what might be. Plus, going with the
canon, there's ample opportunity for humor, drama, everything.
<3 |
.:Kenshin/Kaoru:. - This
pairing is so cute. Really. I especially liked it in the
Jinchuu arc. It just made sense, and had me saying "It's about
time!" there at the end. <3 |
.:Kenshin/Tomoe:. - I'm
actually really fond of Tomoe, and her relationship with Kenshin.
Unfortunately, most of the fandom seems to prefer Kaoru.
Though, I don't understand why there's even a comparison.
They're both very important to Kenshin, during different times in
his life. It's not as though they're rivals. =P Anyway,
there needs to be more Kenshin/Tomoe fic. <3 |
.:Sanosuke/Megumi:. -
This was my first big RK pairing; I think it was Sano/Megumi that
really pulled me into the fandom, actually. Ever since I first
saw the anime...it just made sense. <3 |
.:Aoshi/Misao:. -
I'm not quite sure why I like
Aoshi/Misao as much as I do. There's just something about the
dynamic between the two of them...it just works. ^^ |
Pairings:. - I almost never venture outside my usual pairings in
this fandom. But, there's a first time for everything.
So, here we are. |