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Rurouni Kenshin Recs:


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Fever Dreams
Author:  Sekihara Tae
Genre:  Drama/Action/Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru, mentions of Kenshin/Tomoe
Status:  Complete 
Spoilers:  Kenshin's past (Jinchuu arc of manga, Tsuioku Hen OAV)

When most of the Kenshin-gumi succumbs to illness, Kaoru and Megumi must care for them.  In addition, the fever brings old demons back to haunt a certain rurouni.


I really like this piece.  Seeing Kenshin in such a state is rare, and it's interesting to see how everyone handles it.


Title:  Closing the Distance
Author:  Sekihara Tae
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Kenshin and Kaoru come together, finally.


Very cute little K/K piece.  I love these two...they're so sweet together. ^_^


Title:  Kanji
Author:  Sekihara Tae
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Kaoru uses the kanji in Kenshin's name to describe her beloved.


This is just cute.  ^^  The author even lists several other words that can be made from the kanji in Kenshin's name.  Nice.


Title:  Heart's Ease and Kimi wa Dare wo Mamotte Iru
Author:  Komagata Yumi
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  For the Kyoto and Jinchuu arcs

Heart's Ease

Kenshin and Kaoru share some quiet time before Enishi's attack.

Kimi wa Dare wo Mamotte Iru

Kenshin, Kaoru, and the aftermath of Enishi's Jinchuu.


Yay, Jinchuu arc fics!  Jinchuu is quite possibly my favorite story arc, and I adore Kenshin/Kaoru, so I particularly like this pair of fics.  Very sweet.


Title:  Interludes - Winter Morning
Author:  Komagata Yumi
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Kaoru awoke slowly, letting her senses drowsily assess her surroundings.


Very cute little Kenshin/Kaoru piece.  I particularly liked the bit with Kaoru playing with Kenshin's hair.  ^^


Title:  Homecoming
Author:  Komagata Yumi
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

No longer rurouni, travel merely made him eager to return to this place, these people.  Home.


Sweet little Kenshin/Kaoru piece.  It's always nice to see established relationship Kenshin/Kaoru, dealing with Kenshin's rurouni tendencies (or lack thereof).


Title:  His
Author:  Komagata Yumi
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

What would it be like to be loved by him -- to have him claim her as his own?


This fic deals with Kenshin's Battousai side, and how Kaoru reacts to it.  Very interesting piece.


Title:  Sentimental Reasons
Author:  Komagata Yumi
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru, Aoshi/Misao
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

"People don't love each other because of what they've done.  Or at least we shouldn't.  We love each other for lots of little reasons -- the little things that make us who we are, and for sentimental reasons that make no sense to anyone else."


Very sweet and amusing little piece.  I really liked the Kaoru-Misao interaction, and the comparisons between Kenshin and Aoshi.  Very nice.  ^^


Title:  Like Snow Upon His Heart
Author:  Aishuu
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Slight for Tomoe and post-manga

They've been married for nearly five years, but Kaoru still knows there's mysteries buried in Kenshin's past.


Beautiful post-manga fic; the author's got a great handle on the both of them, and this just feels right.  <3


Title:  Recovery
Author:  Haku Baikou
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  One sided Megumi/Kenshin, mild Kenshin/Tomoe, mild Kenshin/Kaoru, could-be Sanosuke/Megumi  (All largely on level with canon)
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the Kyoto arc

As Kenshin recovers from his wounds after his duel with Shishio, his friends sense a threat and take precautions for his safety.


Oh, wow...a good, long, Megumi centric fic.  This is so nice.  And it's really neat...Megumi's the protagonist, but there's still typical RK-type plot going on; like, the only difference is that she's actually there, and it's from her perspective.  Lovely.  Also?  Loving the interaction between Megumi and the other characters...Sano and Hiko, especially.  (Megumi+Hiko friendship...who would have thought?)


Title:  Learning to Live Again
Author:  Conspirator
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Mild Kenshin/Kaoru, but mostly gen
Status:  WIP
Spoilers:  For the Jinchuu arc

Enishi’s been defeated, life is peaceful, and finally Kenshin can begin his new life as a settled man. At least, that’s the theory. In reality, he’s finding that starting this new life is more difficult than he expected.


Ooooh, post-Jinchuu arc fic.  This is such an interesting idea, too.  Kenshin finally settles down...but what happens next?  How does he cope with settling into a normal life?  I'm hoping that this one updates again soon!


Title:  Observer
Author:  Haku Baikou
Genre:  General
Pairings:  Kenshin/Kaoru
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Kaoru secretly watches Kenshin as he practices in a forest clearing. One-shot.


Cute little Kenshin/Kaoru piece.  <3