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Rurouni Kenshin Recs:


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Monologues Breathless Full Circle
Author:  Mo
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Sanosuke/Megumi
Status:  Complete, Complete, WIP
Spoilers:  Megumi's past


One drunken night, Sano ends up at the onna-sensei's clinic after losing his way--or did he?


Longing for a lover is tough, but not being able to show is even tougher. Based on the Coors' "Breathless".

Full Circle

Sano and Megumi are both forced to make some tough choices. Is love ever really enough?


These fics are a trilogy of sorts, so I listed them together, and in order.  Very cute Sano/Megumi stories; I really love this pairing!


Title:  Heart Blood
Author:  Mo
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Sanosuke/Megumi (sorta)
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  End of Oniwabanshu arc

What exactly passes through Sano's mind when he catches that knife?


Cute little introspective drabble.  Nice insight into what's going through Sano's mind during that scene.


Title:  Fire, Spark, Glow
Author:  Ashfae
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Sanosuke/Megumi
Status:  Complete, Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  None

Fire is a story from Megumi's perspective. There's been an arsonist loose on Tokyo, and all of Megumi's old fears about fire are haunting her...not to mention thoughts about a certain rooster-headed twit...Spark is the same story as Fire, but told from Sanosuke's perspective...Glow is a companion piece to Fire and Spark, taking place the morning after.


Another cute Sano/Megumi trilogy.  I liked how the author wrote the main story from both perspectives.  Also, I liked that Megumi's past was fleshed out a bit.  What can I say...I'm a Megumi fan, and she's so underappreciated. ^_^


Title:  Equal Frustration
Author:  Komagata Yumi
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Sanosuke/Megumi
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Megumi awoke with a vague throbbing in her head, the muddled pain an early warning of a headache soon to come.


Man, I love this pairing!  Yummy Sano/Meg fic...not much more need be said.


Title:  Recovery
Author:  Haku Baikou
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  One sided Megumi/Kenshin, mild Kenshin/Tomoe, mild Kenshin/Kaoru, could-be Sanosuke/Megumi  (All largely on level with canon)
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the Kyoto arc

As Kenshin recovers from his wounds after his duel with Shishio, his friends sense a threat and take precautions for his safety.


Oh, wow...a good, long, Megumi centric fic.  This is so nice.  And it's really neat...Megumi's the protagonist, but there's still typical RK-type plot going on; like, the only difference is that she's actually there, and it's from her perspective.  Lovely.  Also?  Loving the interaction between Megumi and the other characters...Sano and Hiko, especially.  (Megumi+Hiko friendship...who would have thought?)