Rurouni Kenshin Recs:
Other Pairings
Newest recs added to the end of the
Author: Haku Baikou
Genre: Drama
Pairings: One sided Megumi/Kenshin, mild Kenshin/Tomoe, mild
Kenshin/Kaoru, could-be Sanosuke/Megumi (All largely on level with
Status: Complete
Spoilers: For the Kyoto arc
As Kenshin recovers from his wounds after his duel with Shishio, his friends
sense a threat and take precautions for his safety.
Oh, wow...a good, long, Megumi centric fic.
This is so nice. And it's really neat...Megumi's the
protagonist, but there's still typical RK-type plot going on; like, the only
difference is that she's actually there, and it's from her perspective.
Lovely. Also? Loving the interaction between Megumi and the
other characters...Sano and Hiko, especially. (Megumi+Hiko
friendship...who would have thought?)