.:Gen:. - Despite my
massive love for pairing fic, I really enjoy the gen for this
series. The cast is just incredible, and there's so
much to do with this world. Between the anime and manga...not to
mention, any number of AUs that I've seen. |
.:Roy/Ed:. - This is my
favorite FMA pairing, hands down. Hell, I was hooked on this
before I'd seen more than a handful of episodes. XD What
can I say...I love their dynamic, and the many ways to interpret it.
Thankfully, this one's fairly popular, so this section won't suffer
from lack of content. ^^ |
.:Havoc/Hawkeye:. - Here
I go ignoring the popular pairings in fandom; I really don't care
much for Roy/Riza. To me, Havoc/Riza makes much more sense.
=D This has quickly become one of my favorite FMA pairings;
too bad it's still a bit scarce. =P |
- Ever since I first saw the series, I always assumed that Al and
Winry would get together. Apparently, most of the fandom
disagrees. =P I think they're adorable, though.
So, fandom, please to be producing more Al/Winry fic. <3 |
.:Izumi/Seig:. - I'm a
huge Izumi fan, so it's really no surprise that I like this pairing.
I just wish that there was more of it. |
- I love this pairing mostly for the way that it's handled.
Given what we learn about Hohenheim toward the end of the anime,
there's a fair bit for authors to work with. Not to mention
the manga, which is a whole 'nother animal. |
.:Hughes/Gracia:. -
Despite his child-obsession, I actually like Hughes. He's just
an adorable dork. =D And we really don't get to know
Gracia all that well, so it's always nice to see fics that deal with
their relationship. <3 |
.:Roy/Riza:. - ...Well,
this is unexpected. XD I never thought I'd have a
Roy/Riza section. I like Roy/Ed and Havoc/Riza so much
more...and yet, here I am. |
.:Other Pairings:. - I
rarely stray from my favorite pairings, but this section's here for
the occasion that I do. Also note my growing fondness for
Ed/Sheska, as seen here...maybe, with a little luck, it'll get its
own section someday. =D |