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Fullmetal Alchemist Recs:


Newest recs added to the end of the list.

Title:  Strength
Author:  kytyngurl2
Genre:  Introspective
Pairings:  Hohenheim/Trisha
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Slight end of series spoilers

Hohenheim and Trisha, strength and weakness.


Yay, Hohenheim/Trisha fic!  They're an interesting couple, that doesn't get much fan recognition.  This little fic is really neat...I really like this author's works; she does character introspection so well!


Title:  Two of a Kind
Author:  kytyngurl2
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Hohenheim/Trisha
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Someone doesn't like milk in the Elric household.


*Snicker*  This is just amusing.


Title:  Time
Author:  fireun
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Hohenheim/Trisha
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Hohenheim's back story

There was a clock ticking in the back of his head...


Very nice Hohenheim/Trisha drabble.  I always like when fic authors get in Hohenheim's head, seeing as the anime doesn't really do much to make you see his side of things.


Title:  Where He Stays
Author:  WhiteCat
Genre:  Romance/Angst
Pairings:  Hohenheim/Trisha
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Hohenheim-related anime spoilers

There was a part of him that always remained behind.


Nice little Hohenheim/Trisha fic.  These are so rare, it's always nice to find one!


Title:  Exposure
Author:  Harukami
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Hohenheim/Trisha
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For episode 43

Hohenheim and Trisha and a wedding night.


Oh, this is just lovely.  <3  Hohenheim's worries, and Trisha's reactions to him...perfect.


Title:  Birth
Author:  kytyngurl2
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Hohenheim/Trisha
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Hohenheim's back-story

Trisha is about to give birth to their first child, but something goes wrong. Some introspective angst and some fluff.


Neat little fic about Hohenheim's reaction to Edward's birth.


Title:  Forever, Far Away
Author:  JoJoDancer
Genre:  Romance/Angst
Pairings:  Hohenheim/Trisha, Hughes/Gracia, Izumi/Seig
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Hohenheim's past, for episode 25, and for the movie

He leaves his soul in that big house on the hill, where his wife waits forever. Forever is simply too far away to reach.


Wow...I don't usually go for this kind of fic, but this is very nice.  So sad.