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Fullmetal Alchemist Recs:
Other Pairings


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Title:  Two to Be Steady
Author:  Branch
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Roy/Hughes, mentions of Hughes/Gracia
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Spoilers for episodes 3 and 15

How Roy and Hughes might have met and become friends. The starting thought was How did Roy get to be like that? Hughes seemed a reasonable answer.


Nice pre-series piece; I really enjoyed seeing Roy's character change, and how Hughes and the others fell into place with him.  Granted, I don't like Roy/Hughes as a pairing, but it was a fairly minor point in the story, and the fic was so nice otherwise, I don't mind too much. ^^


Title:  Stupid Teenage Boy
Author:  xkchanx
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Ed/Winry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Sometimes he could be so dense. Sure, Edward Elric may be a genius when it came to alchemy, but when it came to girls, he was absolutely clueless.


Cute little drabble.  Though I prefer Ed and Winry as friends/family, I still think most of the stuff touched on fits.


Title:  Bees
Author:  xkchanx
Genre:  Introspection
Pairings:  Ed/Russel
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

“Why do you want it so badly?”


Very nice little drabble.  I particularly liked the use of the keyword as a metaphor.


Title:  An Understanding
Author:  jadedsilk
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Hawkeye/Winry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of the series

For threeonetwo: Prompt: A huge argument. I didn’t get them to bicker as much as I did get them to agree and argue anyway. And of course, there is some fighting in here too. Hope this is okay, and I hope it makes sense ^_^


Wow. I never would have thought of this pairing ('cause I like them both paired with someone else), but she really made this work! Man, they have more in common than I'd realized before. Lovely.


Title:  The Scientific Method
Author:  Mikkeneko
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Ed/Sheska
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

"Miss Sheska, you may not believe this, but trust me. Brother likes you a lot."


This is a pairing that you don't see very often, but I think it's kinda cute.  But then, I'm a big Sheska fan, so I could be a bit biased.  ^^


Title:  Experimental
Author:  hallidae
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Havoc/Sheska
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

If he noticed that she was scribbling notes every time she thought he wasn't looking, he was at least polite enough to not mention it.


This is so cute!  I can totally see Sheska doing this.  <3


Title:  Easy to Read
Author:  Mikkeneko
Genre:  Romance/Drama
Pairings:  Ed/Sheska
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

She spends her time reading. Books, she understands.


Oh, I like this!  I love the comparison, and Sheska in general.


Title:  Girls Who Wear Glasses
Author:  Mikkeneko
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Ed/Sheska
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

All the girls wanted Edward Elric.


Well, this is interesting.  XD


Title:  The Adventures of Roy Mustang: Sex Ed Teacher and Better Living Through Alchemy
Author:  sky_dark
Genre:  Romance/Humor/Introspective
Pairings:  Roy/Ed, Al/Riza
Status:  Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of the series

The Adventures of Roy Mustang:  Sex Ed Teacher

Ed's not a prodigy in everything.

Better Living Through Alchemy

Life in progress.


Okay, this fic is just plain amusing.  I love how she handles their relationship, and Ed's inexperience.  It feels very real, and is just lovely.  Also, she writes possibly the best Al that I've ever seen.  *G*  Really, this fic has it all.  Humor that will have you falling out of your chair laughing.  Fluffy bits that will could induce sugar shock with the sheer sweetness of them.  Realistic angst (as opposed to angst-for-the-sake-of-angst).  In short, it's an excellent read.  Arguably the best Roy/Ed fic I've ever read.  It's just that good.  Go read it.  Now.

EDIT:  And she's writing a sequel!  Joy!


Title:  Plausible
Author:  asidian
Genre:  Humor/Romance
Pairings:  Ed/Al
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Al finally has his body back; now, it's up to the Elric brothers to concoct a believable reason for him to have given up on the armor.


This is an amusing look at this particular problem...amusing enough that I can ignore my squick-reflex at the incest, even.  ^^;;


Title:  Rocket Science
Author:  sky_dark
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Ed/Heiderich
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of the series

Alfons' mind was more in tune with how much thrust per square inch it would take to get 'x' amount of mass off the ground than how to show a potential lover how to kiss.


I always figured that Ed/Hei would hit my incest squick.  (If you know who Hei is, you'll know why.)  But it doesn't, for some reason.  And I really love sky_dark's fic.  <3


Title:  Mr. Waddles
Author:  furiouscupofcat
Genre:  Humor/Romance
Pairings:  Havoc/Fury
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Havoc had absolutely no idea how Fury managed to find the sort of things he found. 


I'm fairly neutral on this pairing, but the image of Havoc with a baby penguin is just too cute.  <3


Title:  Sick Leave
Author:  tir_synni
Genre:  Romance/Drama
Pairings:  Roy/Ed, Ling/Ed
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Havoc and Ling-centric manga spoilers

Colonel Edward Elric hadn’t deafened half the office when Roy had accidentally mentioned his new uniform size.


This is an interesting subject for a fic; it's surprising that there aren't more like it, really.  <3


Title:  Absentminded
Author:  furiouscupofcat
Genre:  Romance/Humor
Pairings:  Havoc/Fury
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

John Havoc hummed contentedly.  It was Sunday afternoon, the sun was shining, and birds were singing in the trees outside.


Havoc being all absentminded is kinda cute.  ^^


Title:  Overconfidence
Author:  fireun
Genre:  General
Pairings:  Could be Hughes/Roy, could be gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Some people should not be let anywhere near a battle field.


Somehow, I can see Hughes doing that, too.  <3


Title:  Phantom Pain
Author:  crazy_tofee
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  Ed/Al
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Ed and Al's past

Alphonse knew of pain; it was impossible for him not to.


Again, I'm always impressed when an author writes a squick of mine in a way that I can actually enjoy reading it.  I don't like Elricest, and armor!Al Elricest is particularly icky to me.  But this...I could believe this.


Title:  Kitty! (Parts 1 and 2)
Author:  jadedsilk
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Ed/Al
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for the end of the series

“Get the hell out of here! Leave it the fuck alone!” Ed spat as he threw another snowball.


The kitty thing is just cute; and this is fairly mild Elricest, so I can ignore it.  <3