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Gravitation Recs

Fics sorted by pairing.  Newest recs added to the end of each list.



.:Gen:. - Gen is possibly my second favorite type of Gravi fic.  This series breeds great humor fic, plus one can always dig deeper into the characters.  It's all so interesting!  =D  I particularly like Uesugi sibling interaction fics; there need to be more of those.  ^^


.:Yuki/Shuichi:. - Okay, I admit it.  Yuki/Shu ate my soul.  That simple.  =D  I'd say most Gravi fans share my obsession, so this section shouldn't be starved for content.  <3


.:Tatsuha/Ryuichi:. - Now this is just amusing.  These two...they're both goofy enough to make things very interesting.  I just love the dynamic between them.


.:Hiro/Ayaka:. - Where are the fics for this pairing?  No, really, where?  Hiro's possibly my favorite Gravi character, and this is the one pairing I really love him in.  This relationship isn't really fleshed out all that much in canon, so there's lots of room to work.  Now, if only more people would write it...
.:Other Pairings:. - I don't usually stray from my main pairings in this fandom, but every so often I find something different that I like.  Those go here.