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Yu Yu Hakusho Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. - I'm crazy
about the Tantei, and their interactions, so I love gen for this
series. Kurama and Kuwabara are two of my favorites, so expect
a fair amount of them here. ^^ |
.:Hiei/Kurama:. - This
was the first pairing that I really got into for YYH; heck, I was
into it before I'd seen more than a handful of episodes. ^^;;
I prefer Present!Kurama to PastLife!Kurama, so most of the fics here
will probably focus on the former. |
.:Kuwabara/Yukina:. -
Okay, as a Kuwabara fan, this one's no surprise. Hell, his
adorable relationship with Yukina is one of the things that I love
about him. They're just so sweet together. <3 |
.:Yuusuke/Keiko:. -
Yuusuke grew on me steadily as the series progressed, so it's really
no surprise that I was a solid Yuusuke/Keiko shipper by the end of
the series. <3 They just work so well together. |
.:Other Pairings:. - I'm
almost completely pairing-monogamous in this fandom, but
occasionally a different 'ship will slip under the radar. ^_^
Those go here. |