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Weiss Kreuz Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. - I particularly
like interaction fics; Weiss,
Schwarz, everyone! This cast has so many interesting
elements...there's just so much that can be done with them.
^^ |
.:Ken/Omi:. - Where is
the Ken/Omi fic? Seriously, where? I've had more trouble
than I'd thought I would finding any. =P What can I say...I
love the dynamic, plus I'm a big Omi fan. So I'm a sucker for
Ken/Omi. <3 |

.:Aya/Youji:. - Right up
there with Ken/Omi, I'm crazy about Aya/Youji. What can I
say...I'm pretty boring with pairings in this fandom. ^^;;
I'm fond of them both individually, and I think that their
interactions are interesting. |