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Saiyuki Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. - There are two
main types of gen fic that I like; anything involving Kougaiji and
his group, and good old ikkou interaction fic. I'll certainly
read other things, but expect a lot of those two. ^_^ |
.:Gojyo/Hakkai:. - I
think that Gojyo/Hakkai was probably my first Saiyuki pairing; and
this was even before I got into the fandom. 'Cause let's face
it...there are plenty of hints in the canon. =D I just
really like how they interact, and I think they go well together.
<3 |
.:Sanzo/Goku:. - It took
me a little longer to get into this pairing...probably because
Goku's so childlike most of the time; makes it a bit harder to pair
him off. But I eventually fell for it. Good fic, plus
canon hints, helped me along. =D |