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Saiyuki Recs:


Newest recs added to the end of the list.

Child's Mantra
Author:  D-Chan
Genre:  General/Introspection
Pairings:  Could be Sanzo/Goku, could be gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Sanzo's mentor

It rains. Kids play. Sanzo remembers an old children's song and watches a strange scene unfold on the temple grounds...


I love Sanzo's voice in this.  And Goku is just perfect.  <3


Title:  Closure
Author:  D-Chan
Genre:  General/Introspection
Pairings:  Could be Sanzo/Goku, could be gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Goku's past, before Sanzo

A few hours being locked out in the cold and rain, Goku gets an unwanted chance to remember and realize a few important things.


This is written in a similar style to the previous fic, which I also enjoyed.  I really like this author's grasp of the characters.  ^_^


Title:  Spank It!
Author:  darlingfox
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

In which Goku is young and innocent, and Sanzo is pretty much doomed. Gen.


*Snickers*  Poor Sanzo.


Title:  Untitled
Author:  geekerypokery
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

There were few simple pleasures in Sanzo's life so great as when everyone else went the hell away, leaving him alone in the hotel room to read a newspaper and have his coffee and cigarette in peace for once.


Okay, this is just perfect.  I love Sanzo here.  Though, it always feels weird to see 'Jeep' instead of 'Hakuryuu'.  But that's just my personal preference.  ^^