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DragonBall (Z/GT) Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. - I like
character pieces, humor pieces, etc...but what I really like
are long, plotty fic that read like the show. This series does
epic battles of good and evil well, and I love fics that follow that
tradition. |
.:Bulma/Vegeta:. - This
is probably my favorite DBZ pairing...hell, I think that B/V fics
were probably the first fics I ever read. Ever! (Yay,
old fandoms) And I still love them. <3 |
- I like fic for this pairing because I want to see it done better
than it was in the series...of all the canon pairs, they've been
together the longest, but we get so few scenes with them. You
know they love each other, but the writers do a poor job of showing
it. Hence, fic. |
.:Gohan/Videl:. - How
could I not love this? Gohan's so adorably dorky...hell, if he
were real, I'd date him. And Videl's spunky and badass,
and they're just good together. |
- I'm a big fan of the twins, so I love Juuhachi-gou...and
Kuririn...man, how can you not like him? They're kind of an
odd-couple, but I really like them together. |
.:Other Pairings:. - I'm
usually very pairing-monogamous in this fandom, but I do stray,
occasionally. Any good fics for other pairings that I find
will go here. |