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Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
- I love pretty much the entire cast of this series, so I'm really
looking forward to some good gen fic. Plot, action, humor, and
friendshippy pieces would all be very welcome. <3 |
- This one is entirely because of one author, and how s/he writes
these two. I wouldn't have thought of it otherwise, but they
really do go well together. Sea and sky, yes? =D |
- This seems to be somewhat popular amongst the fandom. So,
here's hoping this section will be decent sized. This actually
isn't my favorite Touma pairing (that'd be either Touma/Shin or
Touma/Ryo), but I still have a soft spot for it. ^_^ |