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Slayers Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. - I'm too in
love with this cast not to read gen fic. =D
Lina's my favorite character, so expect lots of her. There needs
to be more long, plot-centric Slayers fic. Seriously...this series
was made for epic fic. <3 |
.:Lina/Gourry:. - My
Slayers OTP. One of the few that I'll actually use that term
for (in any fandom), actually. ^^ I liked it even
before, but the end of NEXT pretty much cemented it. The bulk
of the recs for this series will probably end up here. |
.:Xelloss/Filia:. - I
actually started shipping this one before I'd even seen NEXT or TRY.
(Thanks to the fanboying of a certain best friend of mine. I'm
looking at you, Jason. XD) Only problem is, it's a bit
tricky to do right. So, I don't have a lot of these yet.
=P |
.:Zelgadis/Amelia:. -
I like this pairing mostly as a Zel fan. I like Amelia too,
but Zel's one of my favorite characters. I think their dynamic
is interesting; they're rather different, personality-wise.
And I think Amelia'd be good
for Zel, and there are some mighty cute fics for them, so yeah.
=D |