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Slayers Recs:


Newest recs added to the end of the list.

Midnight Blue and Promise
Author:  Kaitrin
Genre:  Romance/Drama
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  For the later part of NEXT

Midnight Blue

Gourry wants to return to Sairaag to retrieve something he left behind, but Lina doesn't want to go.  Set between Next and Try.


Sequel to Midnight Blue, Lina faces the consequences of breaking her promise to Gourry.  Set during the second half of Try.


Wow.  Just, wow.  This fic deals with Lina and Gourry, in the aftermath of the ending of NEXT.  I absolutely love this kind of fic; it takes something that canon chooses to ignore, and deals with it.  Excellent story.  Go read it.  Now.  And the sequel's quite good, too.  ^_^


Title:  Absolute Beginners
Author:  Kaitrin
Genre:  Romance/Drama
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Written as part of a Lyric Wheel, based on the song "Absolute Beginners" by The Jam.
Gourry explains why he stays with Lina.


Very cute little piece; it's nice to see Gourry and Zel having a real conversation.


Title:  Bedtime
Author:  AnimeCat
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Lina and Gourry are having to share a room again but, due to some unwelcome little guests, have to share a bed as well!


A cute little ficlet.  Very fluffy.


Title:  Those Red Eyes
Author:  linachu
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Gourry buys Lina a birthday present.


I loved how this fic was written in the style of the novels; that is, in Lina's voice.


Title:  It All Depends On You
Author:  linachu
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Takes place after the novels where Lina mistook Gourry's suggestion on going to Zephilia for a marriage proposal.


Again with the novel-style Lina POV.  Yay!


Title:  Make the First Stand and And We'll Go Together
Author:  linachu
Genre:  Romance/Drama
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  None

Takes place after TRY. I got bored, so I made the setting be during a war which erupted between the subcontinent they belong to whom focus on magic predominantly and the Outer-World whom focus on technology and are not familiar with magic completely. The subcontinent WAS afraid of invasion, anyway.


Rather interesting little fics, set post-TRY.


Title:  So Many Changes
Author:  Chained Dove
Genre:  Romance/Drama
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  End of TRY

Lina and Gourry both think the night after the defeat of Darkstar. No Sword of Light means no Lina following Gourry around, right? But do they really want to part ways?


Cute little fic dealing with the aftermath of the ending of TRY.


Title:  Slayers Reflect, Slayers Chaos, and Slayers Rebirth
Author:  Stefan Gagne
Genre:  Drama/Humor/Action
Pairings:  Mild Lina/Gourry, but mostly gen
Status:  Complete, Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  For all 3 seasons

What starts as a simple quest to find some long lost magic eventually steamrolls into a battle for the fate of the world, digging deep into the backstory of Slayers (which I mostly made up as I went along, so canon twonks need not apply.)


Oh.  My.  God.  This is, without a doubt, one of the best Slayers fics I've ever read.  This author...he's got such a great handle on the characters, the narration, everything.  I swear...these fics read like seasons of the show.  That's how good they are.  Go.  Read them.  Now!


Title:  Choosing You
Author:  dqbunny
Genre:  Romance/Drama
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Most of NEXT

This fic is set between episodes 19 and 20 of Slayers NEXT.


Squee~!  Lovely Lina/Gourry piece...and NEXT is such a perfect time to set one, too.  <3


Title:  Even If It Takes Forever
Author:  Zanne Chaos
Genre:  Romance/Angst
Pairings:  Lina/Gourry, Zelgadis/Amelia
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the endings of NEXT and TRY

What a week it had been. I swear, unless things settle down sooner or later, then sooner or later I'm busting heads. Two heads in particular.


Lovely little Zel/Amelia fic.  Bittersweet, but it could easily turn out that way, y'know?