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Slayers Recs:


Newest recs added to the end of the list.

Eye, Mine
Author:  Kaitrin
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the very beginning of TRY

Ever wonder how Gourry got to be such a good swordsman?  Or how he "knew" Xelloss wasn't human?  One-shot, set between the first and second episode of Try.


Oh, my goodness.  Smart!Gourry.  I squee muchly.  <3


Title:  Slayers Reflect, Slayers Chaos, and Slayers Rebirth
Author:  Stefan Gagne
Genre:  Drama/Humor/Action
Pairings:  Mild Lina/Gourry, but mostly gen
Status:  Complete, Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  For all 3 seasons

What starts as a simple quest to find some long lost magic eventually steamrolls into a battle for the fate of the world, digging deep into the backstory of Slayers (which I mostly made up as I went along, so canon twonks need not apply.)


Oh.  My.  God.  This is, without a doubt, one of the best Slayers fics I've ever read.  This author...he's got such a great handle on the characters, the narration, everything.  I swear...these fics read like seasons of the show.  That's how good they are.  Go.  Read them.  Now!


Title:  Chocolate
Author:  Harukami
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Gourry, Zelgadis, Amelia, and Xelloss were all comfortably seated around the inn table when Lina slammed the door open hard enough to fracture the wall.


*Snicker*  As a girl who's had similar moods...I find this very amusing.  Poor Gourry.  XD


Title:  Not His Century
Author:  Harukami
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For NEXT and Valgarv's motivations in TRY

Milgazia was well on his way to a migraine.


Ha!  Oh, poor Milgazia.  XD


Title:  WHAT!  The Beastmaster is THAT Woman?!
Author:  Harukami
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Mild Luna/Xelas overtones, but mostly gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Xelloss's true identity, who he works for, etc.

Tensions were running high. Lina swallowed, not able to take her eyes off the hidden throne, high upon the dais.


Oh, my...XD  I love Lina in this one.


Title:  Cosplay
Author:  invoking_urania
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Could be Zelgadis/Amelia, could be gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Amelia applied the finishing touches to the make up job. Normally, she wasn't the sort to wear it, except for state occasions, and then, only a bit to accent her features. After all, the human face was naturally full of imperfections, and it didn't look right at all to hide all of them. And she NEVER had to wear this much. But, desperate times called for desperate measures.


Zel's reaction is perfect, and Amelia would totally do that.  XD


Title:  End of an Era
Author:  Cephied Variable
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Drabble. Xellos and Filia at Lina's death bed.


Nice little drabble.  ^_^


Title:  Endgame
Author:  Cephied Variable 
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Drabble. Lina is the one who would appreciate this moment the most.


Very nice.  <3