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Crossover Recs

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Title:  The New Students
Author:  White Angel Chan
Series:  Yuugiou/Harry Potter
Genre:  Fantasy/Action/Adventure/Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  WIP
Spoilers:  Mild DK and Battle City (YGO); mild, through Book 4 (HP)

Yugi, Ryou, and Malik are invited to Hogwarts; however, dark forces have discovered the existence of the Millennium Items and plot to use them for their own means...


While it may sound a bit cliché, this fic is done really well.  Both the YGO guys and the gang at Hogwarts are IC...and the interactions between Malfoy, Yami Bakura and Malik are priceless. ^_^  Plenty of humor...this fic flows really well; it really reminds me of the actual HP novels, in how it deals with the gang as being kids in school, in addition to whatever else is going on. ^_^


Title:  Roll the Bones
  Yuugiou/The Sentinel
  Yami's final duel with Pegasus (YGO); "Trance", "Murder 101", and "Sentinel, Too"

Yugi, Seto, and Ryou find chaos in Cascade, Washington. 


When I first read this story, I had no idea it was even a crossover...(I found it via a direct link; hence, I never read the summary, which stated it was YGO/Sentinel)...And with a series I'd never even heard of, no less.  Yet, I enjoyed it immensely and had no trouble following it.  (ETA:  I've since seen The Sentinel, and loved it.  This rec has been updated to reflect this.)

Very well-written, with both casts of characters neatly IC.  Nice descriptions...I also really liked how the author dealt with the magical qualities of certain characters, that are never really explored in canon.  This fic does have a couple of references to events in some of the author's other crossover fics, so it might help if you read them, too.  I hadn't on my first time through, and it wasn't a big deal...just a couple of "Huh...Okay...When did that happen?" moments.

My only complaint is that there are a few aspects of the Sentinel side of things that aren't quite right.  Some are really minor (like Jim calling Blair by name the majority of the time), but some are a bit more annoying.  Like, Blair's a cop and has his doctorate?  Um, how?  There are at least two mild references to the series finale, so I assume this fic is set post-TSbyBS.  So, if Blair's going to have his doctorate, I'd like to know how that happened.  Also, the implication that random people (i.e., Brown and Rafe, and others) have seen Jim's jaguar, Incacha, etc.  That just doesn't make sense...no one but Jim (and once, Blair) has seen these things, and it doesn't even fit with this fic's notion of magic users being in on things like this.  Also, everyone in Major Crimes knowing all about Sentinels and Guides, and accepting it as true?  Um, no.  Simon and Megan, yes...everyone else, not without an explanation.  Heck, just give me a line about Jim or Blair or Simon assuring them that it was true, and the reasons for Blair's announcement; that'd be acceptable.

...Wow, long rec.  XD  But I really liked this fic, so it's not surprising that I had a lot to say about it.


Title:  Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Kuwabara no Miko
  Gravitation/Weiss Kreuz
Yuki/Shuichi, Aya/Youji, Ken/Omi
  Vague references to a few things, but nothing that really gives anything away.

Yuki gets accidentally involved in a mission, and naturally Shuuichi follows.


*Purrs*  A cross between two series I love.  And well-written, too.  Both the WK guys and the Gravi cast are IC...the interactions between Yuki and Aya are very nice, and totally believable.

Also...am I the only one who doesn't immediately think that Omi and Shuichi look alike?  ^^;;  Although, that may have to do with the fact that I tend to think of Shu as early-manga-Shu, as in before he cut his hair.  At that point, he doesn't look like Omi...Also, I think anime-Shu looks more like Omi than manga-Shu...but maybe that's just me.  ^^;;


Title:  History of Magic
Author:  Lizeth
Series:  Yuugiou/Harry Potter
Genre:  Action/Adventure/Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  WIP
Spoilers:  AE arc (YGO); Book 5 (HP)

Dumbledore decides it's time for a change, hiring a new... History of Magic prof! A History of Magic prof with tri-colored hair, violet eyes and an unusual affinity for black leather.


Another YGO/HP crossover...though this one is markedly different from the one by White Angel Chan.  Instead of being a student, Yugi's a professor.  Very amusing...nice interaction between Yugi and Yami, too.  I'm interested to see where the author will take this...too bad it isn't finished yet!


Title:  Foreign xChange, Whistling Past the Graveyard, Opening Moves, I Just Called
Author:  Vathara
Series:  Yuugiou/X-Men Evolution
Genre:  Action/Adventure
Pairings:  None that I remember
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Possible Battle City (YGO); no idea (X-Men)

Yugi, Anzu, Seto and Mokuba visit Bayville... chaos ensues.


Another of Vathara's excellent crossovers...yet again, crossing Yuugiou with a series that I'm not familiar with.  Still, like "Roll the Bones", this is a good fic.


Title:  Fading Footsteps
Author:  Stick Marionette
Series:  Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Whole series, minor ones for the movie (FMA); Chamber of Secrets (HP) 

Edward Elric's quest for home takes him to Hogwarts and into the life of one Tom Marvolo Riddle. Harry Potter/Fullmetal Alchemist crossover.


This fic is one of those rare crossovers that is believable, despite the fact that the two series do not seem horribly compatible, at first.  The cast, especially Ed, were nicely IC, and the writing is well done.


Title:  Foundation of Truth
Author:  bard_linn
Series:  Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter
Genre:  Drama/Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Whole series (FMA); Through end of Order of the Phoenix (HP) 

Stranded in another world, Edward finds himself ripped through time and space. As luck would have it, he lands in the very place that might be able to help him get home – Hogwarts. Post Series FMA, HP AU Book six cross.


Yeah, another FMA/HP crossover.  I swear, it seems the only way to get me to read HP fic is to cross it with another fandom.  >_>  But, seriously.  This one has some rather interesting points, such as how Ed interacts with Harry, their similarities and the like.  Very nice.


Title:  The Best Defense, Sidefics, and A Good Offense
Author:  JoIsBishMyoga
Series:  Yu Yu Hakusho/Harry Potter
Genre:  Action/Adventure
Pairings:  Hinted Hiei/Kurama, hinted Ron/Hermione, hinted Kuwabara/Yukina
Status:  Complete, WIP?, WIP
Spoilers:  Through end of the Dark Tournament (YYH); through the end of Book 4 (HP)

The Best Defense

Voldemort's return has caught the attention of more than the Order of the Phoenix. The Spirit World's best are on the case, but can they handle Hogwarts (or Harry) without blowing their cover?

A Good Offense

Another year at Hogwarts, and, as always, last year's events have consequences.


This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite fics ever.  Yeah, it's another HP crossover.  I'd never have thought of crossing it with YYH, but this author really makes it work.  I really love Genkai as the new DADA teacher, and seeing Yuusuke-tachi dealing with the wizarding world...very interesting, and very well done.  Plus, the Kurama+Neville interactions are just priceless!  =D


Title:  Shinigami Switching
Author:  Aishuu
Series:  Death Note/Yami no Matsuei
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Vague Misa spoilers (DN)

The following three drabbles were written as part of a "crossover" challenge on deathnote100. I accept no responsibility... people kept egging me on.


Ha!  Oh, this is beautiful.  Raito having to deal with Tsuzuki...and poor Hisoka!


Title:  Written on the Air
Author:  Yasmin
Series:  Weiss Kreuz/Death Note
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Death Note/Weiss Kreuz crossover for deathnote100. The ending of the first drabble may make more sense if you remember the third part of rule number 5.


I really liked this.  It was neat to see how each member of Weiss reacted to owning the Death Note differently...and I think this author really nailed their characterization.


Title:  Untitled
Author:  Yasmin
Series:  Yami no Matsuei/Death Note
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Nobody had told him about this when he became a Shinigami.


Another nifty YnM-DN cross.  These two series seem to work well together.  ^^


Title:  Falling Forever and Catch Me When I Fall
Author:  Miko no da
Series:  Gravitation/Weiss Kreuz
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Hiro/Omi, Yuki/Shuichi
Status:  Complete, Complete
Spoilers:  For the whole series (WK); up to and including the final incident with Aizawa (Gravitation)

Falling Forever

A case of mistaken identity leads Omi to some of the best - and the worst - moments of his life.

Catch Me When I Fall

The sequel to Falling Forever. Someone is determined to see Bad Luck gone, and Omi may be the only thing standing between the band and death.


*Squee*  I really, really like these fics.  I could do without the occasional fangirl Japanese, but it's such a minor thing, I don't really mind that much.  And they made me ship my very first crossover pairing; Hiro/Omi is <3


Title:  Chance Encounters
Author:  kiestje
Series:  Saiyuki/Gravitation
Genre:  General
Pairings:  Sanzo/Goku, Yuki/Shuichi
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Yuki encounters a sympathetic soul. Gravitation Saiyuki fluff. Slight shounen-ai – YukiShuichi, SanzoGoku


I like the parallels drawn between the two pairs; it really fits.


Title:  Untitled
Author:  rehd_fawx
Series:  Yu Yu Hakusho/Twilight
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Forks, Washington.
A beautiful, if somewhat dreary place, where the land is a little bit greener, the woods a bit more mysterious.


Oh, my...this is just fun.  I'll admit, all I know of Twilight is from the general mocking online, and this is somewhat in that vein.  In other words, if you're the sort to take it too seriously, you probably won't like this.  If you can laugh at your fandoms, though, you might.  =)


Title:  A Kingdom for My Troubles
Author:  acesodapop
Series:  Bleach/Death Note
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Aizen's intentions

A tall man, clothed in ancient Japanese robes and rather unflattering square-cut glasses, stood stonily before the window of Light's modest apartment.


Okay, so this is ridiculously amusing.  XD