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.:Avatar: The Last Airbender:. -
Avatar was one of those series that I kept hearing about, but it
still took me a while to get around to seeing it. And I'm so
glad I finally did...I love this show so much. And
there's so much great fic for it...I love gen, and a bunch of
Aang/Katara, Sokka/Toph, Sokka/Suki, Zuko/Katara, Sokka/Yue,
Zuko/Mai, Aang/Toph, Zuko/Toph...I think that's it. XD |
.:Beetlejuice:. - I used
to watch this all the time when I was younger. And now, all
these years later, I find out that there's a fandom! A small
one, admittedly, but a fandom nonetheless. So, here we are.
I like gen, and occasionally some BJ/Lydia. (With her aged up, of
course.) |
.:Darkwing Duck:. - This
was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. I kinda stumbled
onto the fandom accidentally; I was poking through the Yuletide
archives, and found a couple of fics. Then I remembered how
much I loved this show, and that got me looking for more.
Sadly, the fandom seems pretty small. At this point, I'm really only reading
gen here, though I'd be interested in some good DW/Morgana or DW/LP fic, if I
could find any. |