.:Gen:. - I love pretty
much the entire cast, plus the whole world they've developed for
Avatar...there's just so much you can do with it! |
.:Aang/Katara:. - I
started liking this one pretty early on; I just got a vibe for it
watching the show. I like how they interact, how they're there
for each other. Plus, I just think they're
cute together. |
.:Sokka/Suki:. - I loved
Suki from the very beginning, and I was so glad they made her a
recurring character, rather than just a one-shot in the Kyoshi
Island episode. She's just awesome, and I love how she and
Sokka connect. |
.:Zuko/Mai:. - I didn't
quite expect to like this...probably because Zuko's such a dork
around girls, and Mai is Mai, so these two act predictably
goofy when together. But it grew on me. Especially after
"The Boiling Rock, Part 2". Now, it's one of my very favorite
Avatar pairings. <3 |
.:Sokka/Toph:. - Okay,
so this isn't terribly surprising. I love Toph. I love
Sokka. They'd be sarcastic and awesome together. (Plus,
I'll admit, I think Sokka needs a strong woman who can bully him
when necessary. Hence, Toph and Suki are the women in my two
favorite Sokka pairings. =D) |
.:Zuko/Katara:. - Yes, I
ship both Kataang and Zutara...and the world hasn't imploded
yet. =P It's kind of funny...it seems like, in every
fandom of mine that has a nasty ship war going, I end up liking both
sides of it. |
.:Sokka/Yue:. - Though
it's not my favorite Sokka pairing, I do have a soft spot for
Sokka/Yue. I haven't found quite as much fic for them, but
considering how short a time Yue was around, that's not too
surprising. |
.:Zuko/Toph:. - This one
kinda took me by surprise, when Zuko joined the group in season 3.
It started out as a fondness for the idea of Zuko and Toph being
buddies, then gradually grew into liking them together romantically,
as well. |
- Another pairing that I hadn't been expecting. Someone on my
flist mentioned this, and now it's stuck in my head. Heck, I
think this is my favorite Aang pairing now. XD |
.:Other Pairings:. - I
don't stray much from my favorite pairings in this fandom, but every
once in a while, I'll find something good. Those will go here,
unless I get enough to make a new section. |