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.:Final Fantasy VII:. -
Despite my love for the game itself, I've only recently gotten into
the fandom. So, this section is rather small at the moment.
And, unfortunately, it may remain so for a while. I'm tied up
in other fandoms, so this is one that I only visit occasionally. I'm pretty boring when it comes to
FFVII; I like gen, and some Cloud/Tifa, Zach/Aeris, and Sephiroth/Zack.
Fantasy X:. -
This is up there with FFVII for my very favorite Final Fantasy game.
I preferred the original, but X-2 was okay, too. I'm all about
the Tidus/Yuna in this fandom, though I love Wakka/Lulu, too.
Also, I'm really crazy about the gen; the interactions between Yuna
and all her Guardians, plus the multitude of other characters...it's
all fun. =) |
.:Kingdom Hearts:. -
KH is my first big game fandom. I'm not usually much of a
gamer, but I tore through the KH games in record time. I love
the premise, the characters, everything! Pretty standard
pairings; Sora/Kairi, Riku/Sora, Axel/Roxas. Plus the gen;
there needs to be so much more gen! |
.:Legend of Zelda:. -
So far, I've only played two of the Zelda games, but I really
loved them. Hell, Ocarina of Time was probably my first RPG.
<3 Due to my inexperience with the rest of the series, expect
this section to contain mostly (if not all) Ocarina of Time and
Twilight Princess themed fics. I love Link, and tend to pair
him off quite a bit. Link/Zelda, Link/Malon, Link/Midna, and
Link/Sheik (that is, AU-fic in which Sheik is somehow separate from
Zelda) can all be found here. Plus gen, of course. <3 |
- I really loved this game. The art style and the
gameplay are fantastic, and the story is really intriguing. I
actually didn't think I'd have a section for Okami, because it's a
hard game to write fic for; the style has to be just right, or it
doesn't work. But I've been lucky enough to find a few
well-written gems. This'll be mostly gen, though the
occasional odd pairing fic might slip through. |