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Final Fantasy X Recs
Fics sorted by pairing. Newest recs added to the end of
.:Gen:. -
Like most other FF games, FFX has a great cast. Between the
cast and the game's plot, there's a lot of potential for fic; humor,
drama, action, whatever you want. |
.:Tidus/Yuna:. -
This is my favorite FFX pairing; I really loved it in-game, and
there's a lot to work with in fanfiction. Thankfully, most of
the fandom ships this, so hopefully this section will grow to a
decent size. =) |
.:Wakka/Lulu:. -
My other favorite FFX pairing. Lulu's a favorite of mine, and
who doesn't love Wakka? I kept hoping they'd get together
throughout X, and then, low and behold, in X-2 they had. I was
happy. I'm not sure how prevalent this pairing is in fandom,
but I'm hopeful. |
.:Other Pairings:. -
I don't usually stray from my main pairings in this fandom, but
occasionally I will. Those go here. |