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Harry Potter Recs:


Newest recs added to the end of the list.

Title:  Astronomy
Author:  thatonefangirl
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Sirius/Remus
Status:  Complete 
Spoilers:  None

Remus thinks they're studying, but Sirius has another plan.


Oh, I love this!  Very cute.  She really nailed the characterization.  And I loved the banter between Remus and Sirius.  Just lovely.


Title:  Hot Stuff
Author:  darlingfox
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Very mild Remus/Sirius
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

"Sirius?" Remus said and eyed a heap of clothes with growing worry.


*Snicker*  Why can I see this happening?


Title:  Untitled
Author:  geekerypokery
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Sirius/Remus
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Remus's friends were complete and utter jerks, and he couldn't possibly imagine why he had allowed them to talk him into coming to the ball after all, particularly when he had known perfectly well that it was going to end with him abandoned, sitting uncomfortably at a table in his shabby dress robes and watching happy couples dancing. Which it had.


Very nice.  =)


Title:  Defying Gravity, and Other Neat Tricks
Author:  sahara_storm
Genre:  Humor/Romance
Pairings:  James/Lily, Sirius/Remus
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Sirius and the other Marauders help James get ready for his first date with Lily. The word, ‘help’ being used very, very loosely. (Unless, of course, you’re using Sirius’ definition of the word.)


Oh, this is just perfect!  I love Marauders fic, and this author's got a really good handle on the characters.  <3


Title:  A Night in December
Author:  sahara_storm
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Sirius/Remus
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

It is a cold starry night in December, and he has Sirius in his arms, cradled and treasured like a song.


I really like the narrative style in this one; very pretty.