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Watchmen Recs

Fics sorted by pairing.  Newest recs added to the end of each list.



.:Gen:. - The reason I started poking through Watchmen fic is because I wanted more Rorschach; character pieces, drabbles, plotty fic...anything.  He and Nite Owl are my favorite characters, so most of the fic here will probably focus on one or both of them.


.:Rorschach/Dan:. - ...I really didn't expect this, though in hindsight, I guess I should have.  These two are my favorites, and I really liked the little bits of their friendship we got to see...so, pushing it a bit further into shipping isn't that much of a stretch.  Though, I don't usually like messed-up pairings; and anything involving Rorschach is, by definition, messed-up.  Yet, here I am.
.:Dan/Laurie:. - I'll admit, this is mostly here because it's canon; meaning, I'm not much of a shipper, but this pairing will probably turn up in other fics, so I need a place to put it.  (And who knows, maybe I'll find some really great Dan/Laurie fic and get converted.  Maybe?  XD)