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Kingdom Hearts Recs:


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Title:  Alone Together
Author:  imadra_blue
Genre:  Romance/Angst
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For most of KHII

You don't have to have a heart to have a heart-to-heart.


I really liked Roxas in this fic; the author captured his pre-Twilight Town attitude nicely. <3


Title:  Initiation
Author:  Penguin
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Mentioned Axel/Roxas, but mostly gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Teasing Demyx is a time-honored Organization pastime.


Okay, this is just funny.  Poor Demyx.  XD


Title:  Weapon
Author:  Tammaiya
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the earlier parts of KHII

Prompt:  AkuRoku, because we are weapons


Ooooh, nice little fic.  Very IC, for both of them. <3


Title:  An Easy Philosophy
Author:  fireun
Genre:  Humor/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Only if you don't know what a Nobody is

Well, it wasn’t like he had to worry about being a disgusting sap about everything.


Nice little Axel/Roxas fic.  Very Axel.


Title:  Naught's Requiem
Author:  voodoobob
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Possible Riku/Sora and Axel/Roxas, but basically gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHII

It's not always as simple as black and white. After the battle, the fairy-tale hero confronts his doubts, and the ones who didn't get a "happily ever after".


Oh, this is beautiful!  So, so nice.  <3  I can see Sora doing this, too.


Title:  Cold
Author:  Tammaiya
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Only if you don't know what a Nobody is

Prompt: Ice cream


Nice little fic.  Very Axel.  Plus, Roxas and the ice cream?  <3


Title:  Guilt By Implication
Author:  Tammaiya
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Prompt: Organization hijinks


Ha!  XD  Okay, I admit, I have a fondness for prankster!Axel fics.  And poor Roxas, getting caught up in it all.  <3


Title:  Ill-Advised
Author:  memlu
Genre:  Humor/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

He nicked his finger - again - in the zipper to Roxas's robe, trying to slip it down and slide his hands in at the same time.


Yummy AkuRoku.  Plus, the closet name is just awesome!


Title:  Such A Small Thing
Author:  fireun
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Only if you don't know what a Nobody is

It was a little thing, a hand punching him lightly on the arm as the kid walked past in companionable silence.


Oh, I love this.  That last bit is the best. <3


Title:  Miss Me
Author:  k_a_m_i_k_a_z_e
Genre:  Romance/Angst
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the earlier parts of KHII

"I would miss you..." was all he had to say, and Roxas could never be the same.


So sad!  But so, so good.  Roxas is just lovely in this fic.


Title:  Mantra
Author:  k_a_m_i_k_a_z_e
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Riku/Sora and mentioned Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHI, CoM, and KHII

Riku had never stopped thinking of Sora, searching for Sora, doing everything for Sora, and so his name became a mantra to live by. Sora, Sora, Sora…


This is just beautiful.  Their devotion is so IC, and just wonderful.  <3


Title:  Make a Promise
Author:  Laylah
Genre:  General/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas, could be read as either gen or pairing fic
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For The World That Never Was in KHII

Axel thinks he's done. He needs a little reminder that he doesn't have to be, from someone who's been there.


This is so cool!  That part of the game was so sad, so it's great to see a fan-made happier end added to it. <3


Title:  Napping
Author:  fireun
Genre:  Fluff
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Well, he was pretty sure that wasn’t supposed to happen.


Oh, this is just cute.  I like how the author mentions how Roxas would react, and all.


Title:  Everything We Lack
Author:  immoral
Genre:  Angst/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Vague spoilers for KHII through the 1st visit to Hollow Bastion

Axel can’t recall how, or when, he became a Nobody.


Ouch.  So, so sad.  But very good, too.  <3


Title:  Hair
Author:  vampyreofdeath
Genre:  General/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

If there was one thing that Roxas couldn’t deny, it was that he loved Axel’s hair.


Okay, I admit it.  I have a long-held fondness for hair!fic.  <3


Title:  Nobodies
Author:  vampyreofdeath
Genre:  Angst/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHII

There was always a hollow feeling in their chests.


So sad.  But very nice.


Title:  Fire Wound
Author:  vampyreofdeath
Genre:  General/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete

“I didn’t mean to, Roxas.”


Heh...guess that's one of the dangers of being with a fire-wielder, ne?


Title:  Castle Oblivion
Author:  vampyreofdeath
Genre:  General/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHII

The first night Axel spent in Castle Oblivion was horrible.


Oooh, nice little Axel-centric piece. <3


Title:  Dreams
Author:  vulchu
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Only if you don't know what a Nobody is

Axel, Roxas has found, is something like a giant puppy.


This fic is nice and bittersweet...Poor Roxas.


Title:  Be Somebody
Author:  Laylah
Genre:  Drama/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Only if you don't know what a Nobody is

Roxas/Axel. It's hard to really know how to relate to your friends when you don't have a heart. ~1000 words.


I love the ending of this one.  That last paragraph or so...just lovely.  <3


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