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Kingdom Hearts Recs:


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Title:  Close
Author:  vampyreofdeath
Genre:  Romance/General
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Only if you don't know what a Nobody is

Axel knows that he shouldn't be doing this, that if anyone else in the Organization found out he'd be dead, but he can't really bring himself to care.


I like how the author touched on that line of Axel's from the game.


Title:  Remember Me?
Author:  the_wonkamatic
Genre:  General/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHII

AU; what if Axel had succeeded in convincing Roxas to come with him in their first meeting?


I really shouldn't like this.  I mean, it totally destroys the plot that comes after that point in the game...but damn it, I do like it!  ^^;;


Title:  Untitled
Author:  Vikki
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

The great thing about Axel was, no one ever really messed with him.


Oh, my.  I have officially seen everything.  A high school AU ficlet that I actually liked?  Unheard of!


Title:  The Perfect Popsicle
Author:  onirei_kirara
Genre:  Humor/Crack
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas, Demyx/Saïx
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Fun with popsicles.


Silly, crackish little Axel-centric fic.


Title:  Completion
Author:  Tammaiya
Genre:  Drama/Humor
Pairings:  Mild Riku/Sora, mild Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of KHII

Sora likes having Roxas around. Well, once he'd gotten over the whole "oh my god I'm going CRAZY" thing, anyway.


I like how this fic deals with the merging of Sora and Roxas (and Kairi and Naminé) at the end of KHII.  And Roxas dealing with losing Axel, and realizing that he did mean something to him...beautiful.  <3


Title:  Left Behind
Author:  Tammaiya
Genre:  Drama/Angst
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For all of KHII

Roxas is always leaving Axel behind.


This fic is an excellent example of why this pairing is so tragic.  Beautifully written.  <3


Title:  Christmas X-TREME
Author:  Tammaiya
Genre:  Humor/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Axel decides to try his hand at the whole Christmas thing. Roxas should maybe be afraid.


This is a little more manic/spastic than I usually like Axel, but I still enjoyed this one.  The burning tree amused me.  =D


Title:  Lover's Lock
Author:  plum_sauce
Genre:  Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Roxas and Axel are getting closer and closer, each seeking a way to physically show their affection for the other.


Cute little Twilight Town AU fic.


Title:  So Much More
Author:  twilightremains
Genre:  Romance/Angst
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Organization XIII

Roxas has stated to Xemnas that he wants to leave, and Axel wants understand why.


Interesting take on the events prior to Roxas' departure.  ^^  Could have done without the mentions of kinda-sorta Xenmas/Roxas, though.


Title:  For You
Author:  joannad
Genre:  Romance/Angst
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas
Status:  WIP?
Spoilers:  For most of KHII

A series of probably unrelated drabbles.


I really like these.  Hopefully she'll write more.  <3


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