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Kingdom Hearts Recs:


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Title:  World's Greatest Criminal Mind
Author:  Lynxgriffin
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHI

"Silly boy. You're like a son to me...I only want you to be happy."


Ooooh, nice!  I loved The Great Mouse Detective, so it's cool to see a character from it in fic. <3


Title:  All For One
Author:  Lynxgriffin
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

"So are you sure you haven't seen any Key?"


Oh, this is so neat!  I love the role-reversal.


Title:  Make a Promise
Author:  Laylah
Genre:  General/Romance
Pairings:  Axel/Roxas, could be read as either gen or pairing fic
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For The World That Never Was in KHII

Axel thinks he's done. He needs a little reminder that he doesn't have to be, from someone who's been there.


This is so cool!  That part of the game was so sad, so it's great to see a fan-made happier end added to it. <3


Title:  Winnie the Pooh and Riku, Too
Author:  Penguin
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHI

In which Riku is sent to the 100-Acre Wood for a reconnaissance mission and gets a bit sidetracked.


Ha!  Oh, my.  Poor Riku.  XD


Title:  Icicle Inn
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Snow. It’s cold, it’s for making snowmen and, as Sora’s about to discover, it makes for some very interesting Heartless…


Woo!  KH plot-fic!  This is so neat.  And, being a FFVII fan, I was particularly amused by the author's choice of worlds. <3


Title:  Verge
Author:  Li Kayun
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHI

After a year, Sora stands in front of the Door again, asking for a five minute break


I like the narrative style used here.  Plus, Sora-Donald-Goofy friendship fic is always nice.  <3


Title:  My First Day
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Sora recalls his first day at school. Much to Kairi’s delight his mother has kept a few mementos. [PreKH]


I like the banter between Sora and Kairi in this fic.


Title:  False
Author:  dispassion
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For both parts of Chain of Memories

He had memories of things that were never his to begin with, and those were what stung the most.


Oh, I love this.  I felt so sorry for Riku Replica during CoM.


Title:  Man Hugs
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  Mentioned Sora/Kairi, but largely gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHII

Sora and Riku discuss rivalry and growth spurts, among many other things. [Mild KH2 spoilers]


Ha!  Oh, I love the banter between Riku and Sora in this fic.  XD


Title:  Penance
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHII

Riku knows he has a duty, but he has to see Sora before he leaves. [KHII spoilers]


So sad!  Very IC for Riku, during that time period.


Title:  Fashion Statement
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHII

Sora takes a moment to contemplate his footwear. [mild KH2 spoilers]


Somehow, this is so Sora.  <3


Title:  Castaway
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For CoM and KHII

Naminé had to make them forget him, so they wouldn’t trouble his sleep.


Oh, this is just lovely.  <3  I love that the author expanded on something that was largely ignored by canon.  Plus, you can really feel for Naminé in this fic.


Title:  Blue
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHII

Sometimes, all you need to face the day is a little optimism… oh, and sea salt ice cream. [KHII spoilers within!]


This is just too cute.  <3  I love the connection between Sora and Roxas, and how they interact.


Title:  Saltwater
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

When you sleepwalk into the sea you know your life's about to change... [Pre KH]


Interesting little pre-KH fic.


Title:  Rum!
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Sora, Jack Sparrow, A LOT of rum on a deserted island and a question that’s been plaguing Jack for some time… [Inspired by KHII media]


Nice, silly little KH-PotC fic.  <3


Title:  Metamorphosis
Author:  dark_tenshi17
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHII

Defeat swelled bitter within his heart.


Nice, angsty little Riku piece.


Title:  Vacation
Author:  Syvia
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHII

Post KH2, Sora, Kairi, Riku. Idle thoughts have a way of becoming plans for adventure.


This is so nice!  Post-KH2 fic, with the trio traveling together!


Title:  Through Blinded Eyes
Author:  FadedJustice
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHI

Everyone, including heroes, has the right to break. When that time comes, they just need to realize exactly how much enough could be.


Post-KHI Riku angst.  Nicely written; I liked the little insights by Mickey.


Title:  Imaginary Friends
Author:  Luc Court
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For Chain of Memories and KHII

Spoilers, Axel and Roxas preCoM. Friendship is a strange thing for creatures without hearts, and Axel isn't sure what to do when he might be falling prey to it.


I like how this fic shows Axel becoming interested in Roxas, and attempting to understand him.


Title:  Beyond
Author:  Jaelle
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

When Riku was ten years old he nearly drowned.


Nice little pre-game Riku-Sora friendship fic.


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