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Kingdom Hearts Recs:


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Title:  All Grown Up
Author:  ruby_shards
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHI

They're all grown up now.


Very nice Riku piece! <3


Title:  This Is What Happens When You Get Internet
Author:  whitelights
Genre:  Humor/Crack
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Xigbar was bored.


Ha!  Yay for Xigbar fic!


Title:  Worthy
Author:  rienestsacre
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHI

Riku was jealous of his new friends.


Aw, poor Riku!  Lovely fic.


Title:  Lovers
Author:  doomweasel
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Theme: #2 - Callous


Yay, Larxene fic!  This is the first I've found, so far.


Title:  Breakfast Melodies
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Humor/General
Pairings:  none
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Breakfast time one morning finds Sora in a very good mood. (Set after the Final Keyhole is sealed)


Oh, this is just too cute!  <3


Title:  Believe in the Kingdom Come
Author:  Tenshi no Korin
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHII

Sora still hasn't found what he's looking for. KH2.


Lovely Leon-Sora interaction.  <3  Plus, Donald's magical cleaning is just amusing.


Title:  Whispers in the Dark
Author:  jadegirl04
Genre:  Angst
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHII

It's when there are no distractions, save for perhaps a light, growling snore from one of his companions close by, that his mind falls dangerously back, exhausted, into the dark corners of his heart.


Aw, poor Sora.  Well-written Sora-angst is kinda rare, but this author pulled it off pretty well.  <3


Title:  Three Remain
Author:  lanerose
Genre:  Fluff
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of KHII

“What is it with us always winding up on islands in the middle of nowhere?” Riku asked as he looked around slowly and shook his head. When Sora chuckled beside him, Riku continued, “This one doesn’t even have enough wood to make a raft!”


Oh, I love this~!  But then, I'm a sucker for Riku/Sora friendshippy interaction fic.  <3


Title:  The Plan
Author:  lanerose
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Set after the end of Kingdom Hearts II in Radiant Garden, featuring assorted characters native to that locale, a feminine sense of mischief, and things for which certain characters would kill me. Humor, but not crack.


Ha!  Oh, this is just lovely...I especially like the nod to Cloud's dress in FFVII.  <3


Title:  Past the Sky and Sea
Author:  lanerose
Genre:  Fluff/Gen
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Story is set on the evening before the game begins.


Cute little pre-KHI piece; again, I love Riku-Sora friendship fics.  <3


Title:  Completion
Author:  Tammaiya
Genre:  Drama/Humor
Pairings:  Mild Riku/Sora, mild Axel/Roxas; Could be gen, if you want
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of KHII

Sora likes having Roxas around. Well, once he'd gotten over the whole "oh my god I'm going CRAZY" thing, anyway.


I like how this fic deals with the merging of Sora and Roxas (and Kairi and Naminé) at the end of KHII.  And Roxas dealing with losing Axel, and realizing that he did mean something to him...beautiful.  <3


Title:  Bit of Lost Worlds
Author:  Lynxgriffin
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

After scouring the campground and chatting with some of the other warriors milling around, the trio did indeed stumble across a map.


Dude, KH and Narnia!  This is just too cool. <3


Title:  Untitled
Author:  lazzchan
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

She stared down at the black… things moving rapidly towards her; no matter how many times she used her stunner, they wouldn't die. She managed to kick several away out of pure fury, though.


Sora's visiting the world of "In Death" here; according to Wikipedia, it's a book series.  I've never read it, so I can't vouch for that part, but I just liked seeing how someone (a more 'normal' someone) reacts to Sora, heartless, etc.


Title:  Meddling
Author:  laylah
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Sephiroth-related spoilers, from FFVII

Sora doesn’t like the sound of this. "Why do you have doctors, if you’re not sick?"


Hee.  Sora would totally do that, too.  <3


Title:  Snakes on a Gummi
Author:  Moonsheen
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

There was a snake on the gummi. It was under the paneling and its tail was sticking out from one of the cracks now and Sora knew he hadn’t been imagining that sound.


*Snickers*  Oh, this is good.  Yay, internet pop culture.  XD


Title:  His Cross to Bear
Author:  momoiro_usagi
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Could be Riku/Sora, could be gen
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of KHII

Riku deserved to be punished, but Sora was always there to shoulder the blame in his place.


Nice little Riku introspective piece.  It fits him, at that point in the game. <3


Title:  XIII Drabbles for Friday the 13th
Author:  animekittysama
Genre:  Drama/Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

13 Drabbles, all written on Friday the 13th for Organization XIII


Really neat little collection of drabbles, featuring the members of Organization XIII, plus various Disney worlds.  <3


Title:  Sixteen
Author:  voodoobob
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Time flies, when you're saving the world.


Aww.  This is something I can see Sora doing.  Very nice.  <3


Title:  Silver
Author:  voodoobob
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Mild, for the final dungeon of KHII

Riku's harder to find than Sora thought.


This is so nice.  I love Sora+Riku fic.  ^_^


Title:  The Continuous Tides
Author:  voodoobob
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  Tidus/Yuna, Tidus/Selphie
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For the end of FFX and FFX-2

Tidus is having strange dreams lately.


Oh, my God.  This is so awesome.  <3  I loved the connection between KH!Tidus and FFX!Tidus, plus the explanation about that bit of the FFX-2 ending.


Title:  Differing Tastes
Author:  voodoobob
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For KHII

Roxas and Sora disagree on some very important things.


Hee!  I love this kind of dorky Sora-Roxas fics.  <3


Title:  Bunnies
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Humor
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  None

Spring on Destiny Islands brings lots of cute, cute things for Sora and his friends...


...And who else is having flashbacks to the rabbit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?  XD


Title:  Jumping at Shadows
Author:  voodoobob
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  Vague, for KHI

Riku's fall to darkness didn't begin with a raft or a storm.


The disjointed narrative style is a bit unique; I haven't seen many like it.


Title:  Untitled
Author:  lazzchan
Genre:  General
Pairings:  None
Status:  WIP?
Spoilers:  Mild, for KHII

"It's okay, guys—really." Sora gave Goofy and Donald a bright smile, gesturing them away. "You haven't seen your families in ages, right? I can't interfere with that."


This is so cool.  I hope she writes more.  <3


Title:  Proof
Author:  Ginger Ninja
Genre:  Drama
Pairings:  None
Status:  Complete
Spoilers:  For all of KHII

If there’s a lesson Sora never learnt, it’s compassion for the Nobodies. Maybe Roxas can finally show him the light.


Interesting little post-KHII fic.  <3


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